Today I want to show you how you can use a recycled cardboard rill to make a really effective heart stamp. The stamps will make great additions to your Valentines Day crafting and beyond. It's completely free and is really effective....
Exploring activity theory as a tool for evaluating interactivity and learning in virtual environments for children This paper explores the use of Activity Theory for the evaluation of user behaviour in immersive virtual environments. Specifically, the study of user beha... M Roussou,OM Slater - 《...
This study is grounded in a social-cultural framework that embeds learning in social activities, mediated by cultural tools and occurring through guided participation in the social practice of a particular community. It uses conversation analysis as a tool to examine the structures of the talk-in-...
2015. "Learning through playing Virtual Age: Exploring the interactions among student concept learning, gaming performance, in-game behaviors, and the use of in-game characters," Computers & Education (86), pp. 18-29.Cheng, M. T., Lin, Y. W., & She, H. C.: Learning through playing...
Part of the book series: Empowering Teaching and Learning through Policies and Practice: Singapore and International Perspectives ((ELPSIP,volume 2)) 1310 Accesses Abstract Children often learn about the world through exploratory play. Research shows that adults can either facilitate or impede childre...
Our next inquiry was focused on ‘light and shadow’. The children learned about how light can travel through some objects and not through other. They also learned that shadow is the absence of light. To facilitate their learning, we built a darkroom in our classroom. In the darkroom, the...
How learning and play relate to each other in this context? And then, what implications comes when designing for learning through play in China? These questions highlight the need for investigating the children’s play scenario not only focusing on the relationship between play and education, but...
How young children acquire language- exploring language development and what this means for children learning an additional language. Learning through play- the benefits and importance of play. Language development through play- create the right play environment to optimise learning. ...
The types of play involve exploration of the world around the child which play should be about as a child can learn a lot of the world around them through playing and exploring Get AccessRelated CACHE level 3 unit-7 Essays Play is essential to every part of children’s lives and is ...
Out of the box learning ideas, playful art, exploring nature, and simple living - that is How We Learn!