reactpythonmachine-learningweb-developmentvueunitytensorflowscikit-learnprojectsgame-developmenttutorialsartificial-intelligenceflutterlearning-by-doingmobile-developmentproject-based-learning UpdatedFeb 9, 2025 TypeScript aquadzn/learn-x-by-doing-y Star1.5k ...
Learning as a Service (LaaS) more than expected” Mission Stats 25+ Years Experience 100+ Project, including Corporate University 890K+ Professional Service Hours 10+ Clients 5+ Business Partners 3,000+ Modules Content Emilia Sari Learning & Development Manager, PT. Selamat Sempurna, Tbk. Muhammad...
Media Development Mini Dioramas meant to raise Thematic learning outcomes grade IV in order to achieve the average classes value of the above KKM predetermined and yet the existence of a learning media that can be used to convey multiple subjects in a single theme.The development of this media...
Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). Tahap penelitian meliputi need analysis, material development, expert validation, try out, dan final product. Hasil tahap need analysis adalah mahasiswa masih sulit memahami kosakata Bahasa Inggris, maka diperlukan media pembelajaran yang ...
specified that the understanding and mastery of the material communion of two circles tangent meet the minimum categories of high and students' response to the use of interactive learning media showed a positive response. Key Words : development, interactive learning media, tangents, circle Normal 0...
Modul ini adalah sebahagian daripada laluan pembelajaran berikut Leadership in the modern workplace Overview 2 min Data analysis to improve student outcomes 6 min Faculty development for engaging learning environments 5 min Real time feedback for faculty development 6 min Improve student ...
Editions currently available (subject to change) are listed in Sections 1.2.2 and 0.0.0./ “SAP Learning Hub” adalah edisi SAP Learning Hub yang dilanggan oleh Pelanggan, sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam Dokumentasi yang berlaku pada saat itu. Layanan ini mencakup akses ke konten seperti ...
Participan dari penelitian ini adalah satu kelas 11 di vocational school yang terdiri dari 23 orang. Dari 23 siswa, hanya 11 orang yang memberikan respon dengan menjawab questionnaire. In terms of data, the study utilized multiple data sources, those are questionnaire and interview. The multiple ...
Edmonson in Tehan, stated some scholars argue that studying literature may not even help the development of second language competency and proficiency [6]. Literary works are chosen as alternative learning material in language classes, considering that one of the important contributions to the use ...
San Francisco, CA. Brr, it s cold outside. Web Design and Development. San Francisco, CA. Brr, it s cold outside. If you could learn anything, what would it be? There are 300 million dummies in the world. Make it 300,000,001! Have a book PIN? How to Write a Resignation Letter...