Kids free printable educational worksheets for grade 1 to grade 5, preschool, kindergarten, LKG & UKG. Our worksheets improve kids learning & thinking skills
mathematics, and how the brain works. ST Math is their visual instructional program for grades pre-K through 8, helping teachers engage kids more deeply in math learning. (Grades pre-K to grade 8; pricing based on total school enrollment) ...
Winogender Schemas "Data for evaluating gender bias in coreference resolution systems." yandex-research / tabred "A Benchmark of Tabular Machine Learning in-the-Wild with real-world industry-grade tabular datasets."Common or Useful DatasetsThis...
Learners in science class plotting points on a graph and learning goals for both math and science are definedNow, practice coding one of the anchor lessons in the 21CLD OneNote notebook by doing the following:Review The American Dream – Let America Be America Again learning ac...
Ltd. for on-site study, aiming to understand the mathematical models used by enterprises to achieve Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals through production process optimisation. During this activity, students had face-to-face exchanges with Professor Y.H. Kuo from the University of Ho...
10 minutes The 21CLD real-world problem solving and innovation rubric examines if the learning activity requires learners to solve problems for which they don't already know a solution. In stronger activities, learners complete tasks where they solve real-world problems. The strongest activities requ...
fastmath - A collection of functions for mathematical and statistical computing, macine learning, etc., wrapping several JVM libraries matlib - A Clojure library of optimisation and control theory tools and convenience functions based on Neanderthal.Extra...
App is curriculum-aligned for 6- 7-year-olds to practice and master all the required grade 1 math skills. This app follows the US Common Core State Standards and consists of comprehensive math skills essential for GRADE 1 school students. Resources consist of both activity books and flash ...
The Learning Manager API can be used by developers to build any application. Developers have to ensure that their accounts consist of some valid users and courses. They can create a few dummy users and courses and simulate activity in the trial account, so that they can test functionality of...
For K2, the focus was onexpressing emotions. The school organized a trip to the cinema to watch a movie. Before the activity, teachers discussed the children's feelings about going to the movies and how to express th...