Learning About Breast Cancer Could Save Your LifeBrian M. Walton
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy diagnosed in women worldwide. The prevalence and incidence of breast cancer is increasing every year; therefore, early diagnosis along with suitable relapse detection is an important strategy for prognosis improvement. This study aimed to compare different mac...
About this article Cite this article Diamant, A., Chatterjee, A., Vallières, M.et al.Deep learning in head & neck cancer outcome prediction.Sci Rep9, 2764 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-39206-1 Download citation Received20 August 2018 ...
2Myauntdevelopedbreastcancerthreeyearsago.Seeinghersufferingmakesme wanttobecomeadoctortoprotectpeoplefromsuchdiseases.3IwanttobecomealawyerbecauseIthinkfairnessandjusticeisofgreatimportanceto society,andIhopeIcanmakesomecontributioninthatrespect.4Ihavealwaysbeenpassionateaboutbooks,soIwanttobealibrarian.Byprovidinga...
breast cancer by using a CNN which was trained on almost 400 WSIs. Their model reached a high performance for tumor detection. At this time, essential preprocessing steps were already established, e.g. making large WSIs usable by tesselating them (Fig.1). In 2019, the field of cancer ...
Compared with commonly used clinical risk factors, a sophisticated type of artificial intelligence (AI) called deep learning does a better job distinguishing between the mammograms of women who will later develop breast cancer and those who will not, acc
Cancer is recognized as a significant healthcare challenge by the Horizon Europe program [1]. Among female cancers, Breast Cancer (BC) is the most prevalent, with an incidence rate of 5 cases per 1,000 women, as extensively documented in the literature [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. In the Europe...
benefits to treatment planning that allows for more personalised care. Finally, understanding the relationship between tumour biology and the corresponding radiological phenotype furthers the overall understanding of breast cancer as it informs about specific phenotypical expression of different underlying genom...
Automated cell classification in cancer biology is a challenging topic in computer vision and machine learning research. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women that usually involves phenotypically diverse populations of breast cancer cells and an heterogeneous stroma. In recent years, automa...
First, we implanted a solid tumor (MDA-MB-231 breast cancer grown in another mouse for 10 weeks) into a healthy mouse and analyzed it right away, leaving no time for metastases to form. As expected, no metastases could be found in this control, indicating that tumor cells do not detach...