Welsh 'WEL ' cym Wolof 'WLF ' wol Walloon 'WLN ' wln Mewati 'WTM ' wtm Wyandot 'WYN ' wyn Lü 'XBD ' khb Xhosa 'XHS ' xho Minjangbal 'XJB ' xjb Khengkha 'XKF ' xkf Soga 'XOG ' xog Kpelle (Liberia) 'XPE ' xpe Bette Kuruma 'XUB ' xub Jennu Kuruma 'XUJ ' xuj Sakha...
FOr example, it has WiPed OUt HaWaiian, Welsh, SCOtCh GaeIiCJ Irish, native AmeriCan languages, and many OtherS? Luckily, SOme Of these IangUageS are now being revived, SUCh as HaWaiian and Welsh, and these IangUageS WilI IiVe again, hopefully, if dedicated PeOPle COntinUe their WOrk Of ...
Malaysia is "a booming economy and one of the most developed economies, multicultural and multinational, with a huge amount of foreign investment," said David Welsh of the Solidarity Center, an affiliate of the labor group AFL-CIO, when I met him in Kuala Lumpur."But in a region plagued...