【译】Learn Vimscript the Hard Way(精确的映射):我们继续,一切马上就要变的狂热起来。 截止目前,我们用map、nmap、vmap和imap创建了一些按键映射,这节省了大量时间。这确实管用,不过仅... http://t.cn/z...
【译】Learn Vimscript the Hard Way(自动命令):现在来讨论一下和映射差不多重要的话题。 自动命令是一种告诉Vim无论在遇到哪种情形都做出相应对策的方法。让我们马上用一个例子感受一下。 ... http://t.cn/zl...
《Learn Vimscript the Hard Way》,中文名为:《笨办法学 Vimscript》,是一本学习 Vimscript 编程语言的书。 消息回显(Echoing Messages) 消息回显主要包含两个命令:echo,echom,echoerr 运行以下命令均可看到命令行窗口显示出打印信息: :echo "Hello, world!" :echom "Hello again, world!" :echoerr "show er...
Repository files navigation README License 简介 仅仅是翻译的练习而已,个人英文比较烂,也不是文艺小青年,所以翻译出来的东西可能没有那么些文艺的用词 在线阅读请访问 : 《笨方法学习Vimscript》About 玩玩英文翻译,本书名字貌似应该翻译成《笨方法学Vimscript》 learnvimscriptthehardway.onefloweroneworld.com/ ...
This branch is up to date withisayme/learnvimscriptthehardway-cn:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 310 Commits chapters change the wrongly written character ...
Learn_Vimscript_the_Hard_Way.mobi 开发技术 - 其它 em**空虚上传326KB文件格式mobi learn vimscript the hard way的mobi版。方便用kindle来离线阅读。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 gh.zip 2024-10-17 13:40:18 积分:1 Ex_202215060110_刘昊庚.ipynb...
to perform case-sensitive comparisons. There doesn't seem to be any strong preference in the Vimscript community. Pick one and stick to it for all of your scripts. Exercises Run:echo split('1 2')and:echo split('1,,,2', ','). Do they behave the same?
你应该看到的结果 用下面的方法运行你的程序: python ex13.py first 2nd 3rd 如果你每次使用不同的参数运行,你将看到下面的结果: $ python ex13.py first 2nd 3rd The script is called: ex/ex13.py Your first variable is: first Your second variable is: 2nd Your third variable is: 3rd $ python...
(up,under,right,left) to reflect the ball to wall and if he press on wrong button the ball do not reflect and the player lose chance of 3 chances , and the player have 3 chances if he lose it the game stop so -i want c# script to make the ball reflect randomly in 4 position(...
Vim should show you the output of thelscommand, as well as a "Press ENTER or type command to continue" prompt. Vim doesn't pass any input to the command when run this way. Confirm this by running: :!cat Type a few lines and you'll see that thecatcommand spits them back out, jus...