8) What is the function of the car's top cover? The car's top cover is to provide the passengers with a safe and comfortable driving and riding environment, so that the occupants are not exposed to the wind. 2. Translate the Following Words into Chinese 1) weld 焊接,煅接 2) beam ...
确保轮胎充气达到 Make sure the tires are inflated to the pressures 指定的压力。这压力标志位于驱动门锁支柱 specified on the Certification / Tire label 的认证/轮胎标签上。 located on the driver door lock pillar. 25 We carefully checked wheel speed sensors, and found that they were covered with ...
Anyone who could weld together a lamp in Grade 8 from pieces of scrap metal using an oxy-acetylene torch, build a music synthesizer from scratch, or set up and calibrate his own radio-telescope antenna from spare parts found lying around the house was clearly destined for higher things. Dave...
Name of the items to be repaired,position and the requiement 14 什么是通常在维修清单中? 这些项目的名称进行维修,位置和 requiement 15 name some commonly used repairing methods. Weld, grind ,machine ,polish and so on 15 一些常用的名字修复方法。 焊接,研磨,机械,抛光等 16 who will be ...
D.operatethetelegraphandentertelegraphordersinthebellbook KEY:D 三副的职责是在船长或引水员指挥船舶操纵时操作车钟令记入车钟记录 薄 39.[1789]Theweldsusedtojoinshellplatesinflushconstructionareknownas___ _.A.buttweldsB.seamweldsC.filletweldsD.continuousweldsKEY:A 这个焊接缝用 于连接船壳板,在平的建造...
6 Name of the items to be repaired,position and the requiement 15 name some commonly used repairing methods. Weld, grind ,machine ,polish and so on 16 who will be responsible for the damage of the repaired parts if they occur within a few days after the repair? Shipyard 17 what power ...