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Most of the time, fish won’t live in the riffles, though – it takes too much energy to swim against that swift current for such an extended period of time. Once you’ve found some riffles, though, you’ll want to look for a long slack (sometimes called a glide), which is a s...
Web API endpoint to call to get the specific calories burned for the named exercise. duration activities.duration integer The length in time (milliseconds) after the exercise was edited. If the exercise was not edited, the duration = originalDuration. This value will contain pauses during the...
It’s hard not to sigh. There will be many months of winter before it is warm enough to swim again, but the autumn colours marking the changing seasons hold the promise of that. Share this: LinkedIn More Loading...Uncategorized
Swim at your own risk: Anonymous April 30, 2006 Hi, I have a digitalPersona fingerprint reader, but it is old, i works with a old software named U.are.U, but this software is not availble ...
阅读理解七选五When temperatures rise,many people swim to beat the heat.But swimming does a lot more than give relief from hot weather.…1 Swimming is great for your cardiovascular (心血管)system.It increases your heart rate and exercises your lungs without putting stress on the rest of your ...
sweltan - to die sweora - neck sweord - sword sweostor - sister sweotol - clear swerian - swear swican - deceive swicdom - treachery swice - smell swicol - treacherous swiðe - very much swimman - swim swincan - toil swingan - beat swiþ - mighty swiþost - most, especi...
) Inclined or adapted to swim; swimming; as, natatorial birds. Natatorious (a.) Adapted for swimming; -- said of the legs of certain insects. Natatorium (n.) A swimming bath. Natatory (a.) Adapted for swimming or floating; as, natatory organs. Natch (n.) The rump of beef; esp....
He is set totake part in the Chicago Triathlon(三项全能运动) soon. He plans torun about 2 km,swim 200 metres and ride 7 km during the race.He knows that he will have lots of difficuties during thetriathlon. He may fall and not be able to get up. Keri Serota, the co-founder of...