Automatically does ICD10 coding when given the disease name as the inputCPT Auto-coding - From Diagnosis NameOperation ID: CPTAuto-coding-FromDiagnosisName Automatically does CPT coding when given the diagnosis name as the input Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Content-Type of request...
ICD-10-CM and CPT coding of fracture treatments, medical coders should identify the following critical details from the physician’s documentation: Fracture Location and Laterality: Specify the anatomical location (e.g., distal, proximal, mid-shaft) and laterality (if applicable) of the fracture....
coding category.coding array of object coding system category.coding.system string system code category.coding.code string code display category.coding.display string display coding event.coding array of object coding system event.coding.system string system code event.coding.code string code ...
Automatically does ICD10 coding when given the disease name as the inputCPT Auto-coding - From Diagnosis NameOperation ID: CPTAuto-coding-FromDiagnosisName Automatically does CPT coding when given the diagnosis name as the input Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Content-Type of re...
result result array of object result file name result.file_name string file_name output image result.output_image string output_image ICD10 Auto-coding - From Discharge Summary Document Operation ID: ICD10Auto-coding-FromDischargeSummary Smartly understand the disease from a Discharge Summary ...
Drug Class Coding System drug_class_coding_system string The drug class coding system. Class Code Type class_code_type string The class code type. Class Name class_name string The class name. UNII Code unii_code string The UNII code. Page Size pagesize integer The page size. Page pag...
現在のページ metadata.current_page integer 現在のページの番号。 日付 data array of object コーディング システム data.codingSystem string コーディング システム。 件名 string 名前。 タイプ data.type string 種類。 コード data.code string コード。薬...
{ "paths": { "/groups/{id}/getMemberGroups": { "post": { "summary": "Get groups of a user", "description": "Get the groups a user is a member of.", "operationId": "GetMemberGroups", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/parameters/IdInPath" } ], "responses": { // response ...