A public key does not have a particular format like a certificate would have, and you cannot export it to a file.Note SQL Server contains features that enable you to create and manage certificates and keys for use with the server and database. SQL Server cannot be used to create ...
An alias type based on a SQL Server system data type. Alias data types are created with the CREATE TYPE statement before they can be used in a table definition. The NULL or NOT NULL assignment for an alias data type can be overridden during the CREATE TABLE statement. However, the length...
授與對 SQL Server 中憑證的權限。Transact-SQL 語法慣例注意 Azure Synapse Analytics 的無伺服器 SQL 集區不支援此語法。語法syntaxsql 複製 GRANT permission [ ,...n ] ON CERTIFICATE :: certificate_name TO principal [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS granting_principal ] ...
USE master; CREATE CERTIFICATE HOST_B_cert AUTHORIZATION HOST_B_user FROM FILE = 'C:\HOST_B_cert.cer' GO 有关详细信息,请参阅 CREATE CERTIFICATE (Transact-SQL)。 若要查看此服务器实例上的证书,请使用以下 Transact-SQL 语句: 复制 SELECT * FROM sys.certificates 有关详细信息,请...
若要這樣做,請依允許資料庫鏡像端點使用傳出連接的憑證 (Transact-SQL) 中所述在該伺服器執行個體上備份憑證。 將憑證複製到另一個系統時,請使用安全複製方法。 務必將您所有的憑證小心保管。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 BACKUP CERTIFICATE (Transact-SQL)。 使憑證與步驟 2 所建立的使用者產生關聯。 下列範例使 ...
sqlcheck 工具:sqlcheck是一种命令行工具,它检查当前计算机和服务帐户设置,并向“控制台”窗口生成一个有助于排查各种连接错误的文本报告。 输出包含有关证书的以下信息: Output复制 Details for SQL Server Instance: This Certificate row in this section provides more details regarding the certificate being used...
Azure SQL Database 不支援從檔案建立憑證。 C. 從簽署的可執行檔建立憑證 SQL CREATECERTIFICATE Shipping19FROMEXECUTABLEFILE='c:\Shipping\Certs\Shipping19.dll'; GO 另外,您也可以從dll檔建立組件,然後從該組件建立憑證。 SQL CREATEASSEMBLYShipping19FROM'c:\Shipping\Certs\Shipping19.dll'WITHPERMISSION_SET...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Certificate此機碼包含稱為指紋的憑證屬性,可用來識別伺服器中的每個憑證。 在叢集化環境中,即使存放區中有正確的憑證,此機碼仍會設定為 Null。 若要解決此問題,您必須在將憑證安裝至每個節點之後,於每個叢集節點...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Certificate此项包含称为指纹的证书属性,该属性标识服务器中的每个证书。 在群集环境中,此项设置为 Null,即使存储中存在正确的证书也是如此。 若要解决此问题,在将证书安装到每个节点后,必须在每个群集节...
To install a certificate for SQL Server to use, you must run SQL Server Configuration Manager with an account that has local administrator privileges. You can temporarily install an Express edition of SQL Server 2019 (15.x) or a later version ...