要创建和修改 Analysis Services、集成服务解决方案和 Reporting Services,请使用 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT),而不使用 SSMS。SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)是一个基于Microsoft Visual Studio的开发环境。 管理Analysis Services 解决方案 可以使用 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 来管理 Analysis Services 对象...
Get an introduction to SQL Database: technical details and capabilities of the Microsoft relational database management system (RDBMS) in the cloud.
適用対象:SQL Server- Linux この記事では、Linux での SQL Server 2017 (14.x)、SQL Server 2019 (15.x)、SQL Server 2022 (16.x) のインストール、更新、アンインストールに関するガイダンスを提供します。 その他の展開シナリオは次のとおりです。
Datalab from Google easily explore, visualize, analyze, and transform data using familiar languages, such as Python and SQL, interactively. Hortonworks Sandbox is a personal, portable Hadoop environment that comes with a dozen interactive Hadoop tutorials. R is a free software environment for statisti...
Lastly, you'll probably do a lot of what you see in Figure 1 (image courtesy Reddit.com). Figure 1. Basic Testing for Responsive Web Design Media Queries Traditionally, developers have relied on sniffing out the browser’s user-agent string to identify whether a user is visiting a site fr...
Datalab from Google easily explore, visualize, analyze, and transform data using familiar languages, such as Python and SQL, interactively. Hortonworks Sandbox is a personal, portable Hadoop environment that comes with a dozen interactive Hadoop tutorials. R is a free software environment for statisti...
This article describes features supported by the various editions of SQL Server 2017, which accommodate different performance, runtime, and price requirements.
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) SQL Server Data Tools 概觀 SQL Server Data Tools,SDK 風格 安裝SSDT 舊版SSDT & SSDT-BI 匿名使用方式數據 連接到 SSDT 中的現有資料庫 Project-Oriented 離線資料庫開發 改變SSDT 所使用的 DacFx T-SQL 調試程式
SQL Server 2016 Master Data Services (MDS) 顯示其他 4 個 適用於:SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和更新版本 使用SQL Server 2016,您可以使用內建所有功能 (從記憶體內部效能和進階安全性到資料庫內分析) 的可調整混合式資料庫平台,建置智慧型的任務關鍵應用程式。 SQL Server 2016 版本新增了新的安全性功能、查...