WordsApp is the game for learning Spanish! We’ve combined the best from games and educational apps and added a pinch of imagination! WordsApp is an exciting jo…
Learn Spanish fast with fun and interactive games. So go ahead, give it a shot, and learn Spanish - one of the most popular languages of the world! You will fin…
How to Learn Spanish The Spanish Game for Beginners ● 100% Free ● 1000 words with image and Native audio to study vocabulary ● Lessons and exercises to practice ( read, write and listen ) this language by yourself ● +60 topics and 11 worlds Basic: Alphabet letters , Numbers , Colors...
Let’s learn basic Spanish words like playing games! Play cards, get experience points, beat the levels and collect new cards for free! Using the game-based method to keep the learning process fun at LingoCards, we make learning Spanish language from your mother tongue possible and our learni...
Summary:This app is mostly based on reading comprehension and game-based learning. This app is based on cloze tests, which remove words from a passage and ask that the test-taker fills them in to test reading comprehension. In terms of Spanish learning, this app is great for vocabulary buil...
Practicing Spanish with games and vocabulary lists to learn words Do you want to learn and improve your Spanish vocabulary? Then this app is for you to learn ne…
Learn Spanish! Easy Vocabulary游戏类型: 测试日期: 收费状态: 运营商: Dr. Cyril Splutterworth 游戏特征: 休闲 游戏官网: 点击进入 游戏地区: 游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1033461.html 游戏画面: 游戏专区 Learn Spanish! Easy Vocabulary-游戏简介 Learn over 200 Spanish words with...
游戏简介 Learn over 200 Spanish words with authentic native pronunciation, mini-games and total immersion in Spanish. 休闲教育 萌系漫画风动作网游 艾尔之光 Q版奇幻MMORPG 下载118617 最火坦克军事网游之一 坦克世界 军事第三人称射击 似水柔情真爷们 ...
Learn Spanish with our FREE award-winning online Spanish Course (489 lessons) that will get you speaking fast - Guaranteed!
This Spanish language learning app is an on-the-go study tool made for beginners. Instead of flashcards, Mindsnacks uses engaging, interactive games to help you remember over 1,000 new vocabulary words. You can listen to pronunciation recordings, review words you’ve mastered, and learn verb ...