A list of pronunciation and writing of simple Chinese Words and an introduction to the Chinese Language.
From the crispy crunch of cookies to the soft, heavenly bite of a mousse, we’re unveiling10 essential Chinese wordsfor every dessert lover, complete with pictures andChinese pronunciationto make learning as enjoyable as indulging. Let’s embark on this sweet linguistic journey together, one delic...
Learn Chinese Pinyin&Characters,Word of the Day Suggest 建议 jiàn yì 建议 Meaning:to propose,to suggest,suggestion,advice For example: Xiǎoqiáng jiànyì bàbà zhōumò dài tā qù páshān wán. 小强建议爸爸周末带他去爬山玩. Xiaoqiang suggested his father take him to climb the hill on ...
Don't worry: we know that studying Chinese is very complicated, but our Bingo teacher, together with the help of Chinesimple, is going to help you to obtain you…
I’ve been using it for three years now and it’s by far my favorite tool to learn how to write Chinese. I’ll explain why below, but do yourself a favor: if you don’t read the rest of this tutorial, justtry Skritter yourself and see why I say this.(FYI…they have a 7-day...
Don't worry: we know that studying Chinese is very complicated, but our Bingo teacher, together with the help of Chinesimple, is going to help you to obtain you…
Learn Chinese Easily Words is an educational application for you to learn Chinese effectively. With this free app to learn english for you, you can recognize Chinese Alphabet, animals, fruits, color, food, numbers... Teach Chinese for Beginner is important language for you development. Learning...
A fun and simple way to store your Chinese flash cards is inside a simple Memory Palace drawing. This helps you harness the power of limits and maximize how much you memorize in short blasts of time.The only thing I didn’t like is that the classes took place at night. Other than ...
Rob: Your Chinese is very good Finn but I wonder how many more Chinese words you know? 1,000 perhaps? Finn: (In Chinese: "Not really, I just know a little…") Rob: Now you're just showing off! Not being able to speak ...
When going on a vacation, these simple conversations might be helpful for you along the way: 我想订一张下周飞往北京的机票。 wǒ xiǎng dìng yī zhāng xià zhōu fēi wǎng běi jīng de jī piào。 I'd like to make a flight booking to Beijing next week. ...