简单的说,提示词工程(Prompt Engineering,PE)就是在探究我们要“怎么问”才能引导大语言模型(LLMs)生成我们想要的内容。 举例: Plain Text 收起 == Bad == > What is 965*590? > 569,050 == Good == > Make sure your answer is exactly correct. What is 965*590? Make sure your answer is ...
简介 Learn Prompting 是一个免费的关于与人工智能通信的免费开源课程(提示工程课程,prompt engineering, PE),即学习如何给ai下达指令(prompt)!如何同人工智能交流,并得到你要的结果!即怎样与人工智能沟通,让AI听懂并协助我们来完成我们想让它做的事情!更简单点来说,就是学习AI提示词!因为无论是ai绘画还是大模型,...
Learn ChatGPT, prompt engineering, daily, the best AI prompts, newsletter, blog
Elevate your AI interaction capabilities. Learn the art of crafting precise and effective prompts to achieve desired results from AI systems. Dive deep into the principles of prompt engineering, communicate your intentions clearly to AI, and explore adva
Dit artikel heeft betrekking op GPT prompt engineering voor .NET, waaronder Semantic Kernel en Azure OpenAI. GPT-modellen van OpenAI zijn gebaseerd op prompts, wat betekent dat ze reageren op tekst van gebruikersinvoer (een prompt) met de meest waarschijnlijke reeks woorden die moeten worde...
Prompt engineering: a new career Take the next step Prompts play a crucial role in communicating and directing the behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) AI. They serve as inputs or queries that users can provide to elicit specific responses from a model. ...
Learn Prompting是一个专注于如何有效、安全地与AI沟通的网站。它提供针对专业人士的课程,旨在教导如何使用生成式AI技术及提升Prompt Engineering技能。 Learn Prompting应用场景 教育与培训:为企业和个人提供AI相关课程。 AI安全:通过HackAPrompt竞赛提升AI系统的安全性。
OpenAI and DeepLearning.AI are pairing up to offer training in prompt engineering, but it's only free for a limited time.
图3: Prompt learning 在了解prompt learning的基本组成后,不容易发现,有以下几个方面都会影响prompt learning的最终效果,后续我们再围绕着这几点分别展开。 a) Prompt engineering,如何选择一个合适的模版,也就是设计合适的模版函数,是整个prompt learning的第一个步。
Note Microsoft Copilot for Security is now Microsoft Security Copilot. When it comes to writing your own prompt, Ryan has the guidance for making it effective. He covers key elements of a strong prompt -- defining the goal, context, expectations, and so