Number Train is a simple 1 to 10 number learning game that helps kids to learn numbers as they travel with the train. The train halts at each arriving number and kids can see the the corresponding number of objects round! Kids can also tap on the objects and hear interesting sounds on ...
Here are a few fun activities to make learning numbers even more engaging: Counting objects: Find ten items around you and count them out loud. This could be anything from pens to apples to chairs! Number games: There are tons of games that involve counting, such as "I ...
Numbers Song - Learn to Count from 1 to 10 - 数字歌曲 - 学习计数从1到10共计9条视频,包括:001.Around a Circle Body Parts Verbs & Counting Song Fun Kids English、002.Count to 10 Learn to Count Numbers Song ESL for Kids Fun Kids English、003.Count to
4295 英文文学 by:FamilyFunLearning 1万 William学英文 by:美霞Ellen 3169 Elsa学英文 by:美霞Ellen 4068 数字心理学 by:仁宝一念 7.8万 数字能量学 by:心中平安 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 遥远的温柔_pq 132233 TA的专辑 更多 ...
Learning the numbers from 1 to 10 is the first step towards mastering the English language, opening up a world of communication and understanding. Whether you're a beginner just starting your English journey or looking for a quick refresher, this guide will help you co...
Song for Kids 02:31 小怪兽英语儿歌 Feelings and Emotions Vocabulary Chant for Children 03:18 小怪兽英语儿歌 Count to 100 Chant Learn Numbers 10 to 100 01:09 经典儿歌【BabyShark】英语早教 卡通益智教育视频 早教动画益智启蒙 9035 0 Thank You Teachers Everywhere! | Learn to Count | @Number...
The Numbers Song - Learn To Count from 1 to 10 - Number次播放发布:2019-06-169 评论 6 或许她真爱过相关视频 小玩意 彭羚 Woman BoA 梦(超级版大事发声第六期) 罗大佑、大事发声·录音棚现场 原来占据你内心的人不是我(磁性男高音) 老贾、321音乐频道 心碎的很好听dj 搜好听的歌曲 Chill(Lyric ...
Count up to 10: Learn Numbers with Montessori更多此開發者的出品 蒙特梭利啟蒙樂園 教育 Busy Shapes & Colors - 學習顔色和形狀 教育 Code Karts - 學前編程預備班 教育 Joy of reading-兒童歡樂讀 蒙氏數學:加法和減法 教育 Easy Stop Motion Studio: 簡介動畫 ...
在线看Learn numbers 1-10 (1 to 10)中文数字 in Mandarin.. 3分钟 35秒。14 10月 2017的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!