Voice activation provides always listening speech input via predefined key phrase(s) or "activation phrases". Key phrases may be uttered by themselves ("Hey Cortana") as a staged command, or followed by a speech action, for example, "Hey Cortana, where is my next meeting?", a chained com...
Just installVoice Timeand Cortana will be able to say you what time it is when you’ll ask. Halo related questions As said Cortana comes from Halo game series, to make things a bit ironic she will answer you to some Halo related questions Here is a list of questions found online...
The root element is theVoiceCommandselement, and itsxmlnsattribute must be set tohttp://schemas.microsoft.com/voicecommands/1.2(no uppercase characters). For an example that conforms to this schema, see theCortana Voice Command sample.
Cortana" Description="Allow Admins" UserOrGroupSid="S-1-1-0" Action="Allow"> <Conditions> <FilePublisherCondition PublisherName="CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" ProductName="Microsoft.Windows.Cortana" BinaryName="*" /> </Conditions> </File...
Cortana voice assistance in Windows as a standalone app was retired in the spring of 2023. For more information, seeEnd of support for Cortana. 备注 This Settings section on desktop will be called Search when the PC is set to regions where Cortana is not currently available or Cortana has ...
AllowCortana 指定是否允许在设备上使用 Cortana。 ✅ ✅ AllowDeviceDiscovery 允许用户在用户界面中启用或禁用设备发现功能。 ✅ AllowFindMyDevice 启用查找我的设备功能。 ✅ AllowManualMDMUnenrollment 指定是否允许用户删除工作区帐户。 ✅ ✅ AllowScreenCapture 指定是否允许屏幕捕获。 AllowSIMError...
Feedback 元素,包含 Cortana 在啟動應用程式時顯示和說話的文字。Navigate 元素表示語音命令會將應用程式啟動至前景。 在此範例中 showTripToDestination ,命令是前景工作。VoiceCommandService 元素表示語音命令會在背景啟動應用程式。 這個專案的 Target 屬性值應該符合 package.appxmanifest 檔案中 uap:AppService...
I want to tell Cortana something to be recorded as a voice note and then hear it back at a specific later time that I will specify. Upvotethis feedback in feedback hub please, if you want the same feature:https://aka.ms/AAasuga ...
2.1 Cortana 和搜索组策略在计算机配置>管理模板>Windows 组件>搜索下找到 Cortana 组策略对象。展开表 策略描述 允许使用 Cortana 选择是否允许在设备上安装并运行 Cortana。 禁用此策略以关闭 Cortana。 允许搜索和 Cortana 使用位置 选择Cortana 和搜索是否可以提供位置感知的搜索结果。 禁用此策略以阻止对 Cortana ...
Using voice commands throughCortana, the user can instead just say, "Adventure Works add a trip" or "Add a trip on Adventure Works" to launch the app and navigate to theNew trippage. In turn, saying "Adventure Works, show my trip to London" will launch the app and navigate to theTrip...