探索微服務架構已完成 100 XP 3 分鐘 如今,您經常會聽到微服務這個詞彙。 微服務是自主、可獨立部署且可調整的軟體元件。微服務很小、專注於將一件事做好,且可以自發執行。 當某個微服務變更時,不應影響環境中的其他任何微服務。您可以選擇微服務架構來建立可個別開發、測試及部署的服務環境。 這表示可能有其他風險...
.NET Microservices Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications | Understand the details of publishing and subscription to integration events.
此内容摘自电子书《适用于容器化 .NET 应用程序的 .NET 微服务体系结构》,可在.NET 文档上获取,也可作为免费可下载的 PDF 脱机阅读。 微服务提供很多优点,但也会引起新的巨大挑战。 创建基于微服务的应用程序时,微服务体系结构模式是基础支柱。 本指南前面部分介绍了有关容器和 Docker 的基本概念。 要开始使用容...
The benefits of microservices don't come for free. Here are some of the challenges to consider before embarking on a microservices architecture. Complexity. A microservices application has more moving parts than the equivalent monolithic application. Each service is simpler, but the entire system as...
We transformed the supply chain system with serverless computing and microservices in Azure, and created an integrated platform that provides high availability, visibility, scalability, easy onboarding for partners, and cost-effective operations. Technical Case Study Creating an immigration workflow ...
We transformed the supply chain system with serverless computing and microservices in Azure, and created an integrated platform that provides high availability, visibility, scalability, easy onboarding for partners, and cost-effective operations. Technical Case Study Creating an immigration workflow ...
MicroservicesRelated to this discussion are microservices, which can be described as a suite of independently deployable, small, modular services. Each service runs a unique process and communicates through a well-defined, lightweight mechanism to serve a business goal. 1...
Related to this discussion are microservices, which can be described as a suite of independently deployable, small, modular services. Each service runs a unique process and communicates through a well-defined, lightweight mechanism to serve a business goal. 1...
Finally, we’ll show why this platform is a great fit when building microservices. As the name implies, microservices architecture is an approach to build a server application as a set of small services, each service running in its own process and communicating with each other via protocols ...
-Irakli Nadareishvili, et al, Microservices Architecture, Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture Goals and Benefits The principles of microservice design are as follows: Self-Administration Stateless Services Communication with APIs Forward/Backward Compatibility ...