); Console.ReadLine(); } static async void MakeRequest() { var client = new HttpClient(); var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); /* OAuth2 is required to access this API. For more information visit: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/howto/common-app...
通过Microsoft Learn 社区获取有关学习内容和活动的最新更新、文章和资讯。 Virtual Training Days 利用免费的虚拟培训日,任何技能水平的参与者都可以通过这个涵盖广泛主题和技术领域的活动培养和提升技能。 Microsoft Reactor 无论是发展自己的事业还是实现下一个伟大的想法,Microsoft Reactor 都可以让你与和你有共同目...
This means that you can use it to authenticate against network resources in a domain. This How To describes how you can use the Network Service account to access server resources such as the Windows event log, Windows registry, file system, and local and remote SQL Server databases....
Learn about access control concepts in Azure Cosmos DB, including primary keys, read-only keys, users, and permissions.
To make this simple, we include a working sample that customers can use to collect this data directly from the LSA store.BackgroundThe Security Compliance Management toolkit provides more than 300 security settings, including user rights assignment settings, such as Access this computer...
Microsoft Office Access 2007 在Access 2007 中,開啟名為 Northwind.accdb 的範例資料庫。 在[建立] 索引標籤上,按一下[表單] 群組中的 [窗體]。 在[格式] 索引標籤上,按一下 [檢視]下方的向下箭號,然後按一下 [設計檢視]。 將文字方塊新增至 Form1,以滑鼠右鍵按一下文字方塊,然後按一下 [屬性]。
Microsoft Access tables, and even view and edit the external data while others are using it in the original application. It makes sense to use this approach as an alternative to importing if the external data you want to access is also being updated by software other than Microsoft Access. ...
Access 2003 的 Northwind.mdb 数据库通常位于C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Samples文件夹中。 在“Northwind 数据库”窗口中的“对象”下,单击“窗体”。 在“数据库”窗口工具栏中,单击“新建”。 在“新建窗体”对话框中,单击“设计视图”,然后单击“确定”。
Describes how to use Web folders to access SharePoint Portal Server. SharePoint Portal Server Tours . An introduction to SharePoint Portal Server, highlighting key document management and search features. Readme. Important information that may not be covered in other documentation. Product Overview ...
Settings: use this option when you need a simple method to configure a single device with a local standard user account For advanced customizations, you can use theAssigned Access CSPto configure the kiosk experience. The CSP allows you to configure the kiosk app, the user account, and the ...