I got kids at home so pretend there's no living in this race? ... If you wanna steal you better learn how to lie If you wanna live you better not fear how you die Heaven and hell are just a myth so you better pay attention to this moment If...
曾经(once)也(also)同样(the same)无法(no way to)自(self)拔(pull out) 你说你学不会假装潇洒nǐ shuō nǐ xué bù huì jiǎzhuāng xiāosǎYou said that you were not able to learn how to pretend to be confident and be at ease. 你(you)说(say)你(you)学不会(not able to learn)假...
If you want to learn the German word Schuh (shoe), say the word while you pretend to put on a shoe. Talk when you read and write. It will help you remember faster if you vocalize your target language. Read anything that you read or write out loud and try to mimic the accent of ...
This sea of heart is so vast and obscure, still pretends to be not aching, not tickling and not far-fetching 这(this)一(one)海(sea)心(heart)茫茫(vast and obscure) 还(stll)故作(pretend)不(not)痛(painful)不(not)痒(itching)不(not)牵强(far-fetching) 都是假象 dōu shì jiǎxiàng Al...
The dead of night seems to be a perfect time to “emo.” Just like Cinderella returned to her normal self as the clock struck twelve, when midnight approaches, those who pretend to laugh and put on a brave face in the day can finally release their emotions and “emo late at night (深...
“I have a ‘pressure practice’ idea,” says UK Trainer Justin Riley. “I play the Masterclass footage with Presenter voice off and pretend to teach the track to members. I’ll move with the music and coach out loud whilst also dealing with external distractions like the dog, the TV in...
Next, I pretend I’m going to karaoke. When I really love a song or album, I study it like I would if I was to perform at karaoke. I listen to the songs with the lyrics in front of me, skipping back to catch lyrics I missed, and do this repeatedly until I feel comfortable enou...
Havethechildrenrepeatthelyricsafteryou,focusingoncorrectpronunciationandintonation.Encouragethemtosingalongwiththesongandtrytomatchthemelody.Step4:SingandMove Encouragethechildrentosingandmovealongwiththesong.Theycanpretendtobetigersrunningfastoractoutthemissingearsandtail.Thisaddsafunandinteractiveelementto...
pretend US /prɪˈtɛnd/ ・ UK /prɪ'tend/ verb To act as if something is true when it is not A2 TOEIC More regret US /rɪˈɡrɛt/ ・ UK /rɪ'ɡret/ noun Feeling of being sorry, as for what you didn't do verb To feel sorrow or guilt, as...
You don’t need to have a real question or complaint in order to call customer service. But for the sake of learning to speak in English, pretend you have one. Most big, international companies will have English-speaking representatives. Think of it as a free English lesson. ...