If you've been on this website for very long, you know that I love to use sentence diagrams to help teach grammar.Sentence diagramsare pictures of sentences that help us SEE how the words in a sentence are grammatically related. Let's check out a basic diagram of a sentence with a lin...
Using more than two or three sentences to greet the callers. If your website doesn't promote anything of value to the customers don't mention it. If you don't currently have a slogan or tagline, don't make it up to fill the greeting. ...
Mark Twain wasn’t a great writer because he knew how to diagram sentences. Knowing what to say is even more important than knowing how to say it. It is the same way with a programming language. You can know C/C++ forward and backward and still be a bad programmer....
1.Statements (Declarative Sentences) Statements are the most common type of sentence, and we use them to...make statements. It may be helpful to think of what these kinds of sentences don't do. They don't ask questions, they don't give commands, and they don't express ideas with a ...
Develop a general understanding of how Korean sentences are structured Learn to make progressively longer sentences Listen to native speakers enunciating each sentence used in the book Study expressions and sentences related to everyday activities ...
HasDiagramNode MsoTrue if a shape is a diagram node. Height Returns or sets the height of the specified object in points. HeightRelative Returns or sets a Single that represents the percentage of the target shape to which the range of shapes is sized. Read/write. HorizontalFlip Indicates th...
The first step to be a clever learner is just to make a schedule which truly fits your life. It doesnt matter if its a diagram or a draft, showing the case that you care about every minute, even every second, is the most important thing. Secondly, you should pay more attention to yo...
7) How to Read Classical Tibetan, Vol. 1:: Summary of the General Path It is a complete language course built around the exposition of a famous Tibetan text, Summary of the General Path to Buddhahood, written at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Every sentence is diagrammed and comp...
Now, you are going to take out your notebooks and write a few sentences about sound. I want you to think about what you have learned about how sound is created and how sound travels. Then, you are going to draw a diagram showing how sound waves move. ...
Sentence similarityMeasure how similar two sentences are. Simple ML.NET app The code in the following snippet demonstrates the simplest ML.NET application. This example constructs a linear regression model to predict house prices using house size and price data. ...