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Shubham is a software developer with a passion for teaching. He has worked with many funded startups, self-projects and as a top-rated freelancer on marketplaces. Shubham has taught programming and digital marketing to over 50,000 students online and offline as an Instructor. ...
Everything I learned in design and Webflow I learned from Flux. It brought me to quit my job and move to Bali to work fully as a freelancer. Since then, I have doubled my sales every year, and I plan to get to 6-figures next year. ...
Nice institute! and even nice faculty to learn from. Jay Chowdhury Freelancer Marketer I had taken up this course on Digital Marketing before but did not continue as I never understood the depth of it. Now that I work as a Brand manager, this course is really helping me at my work front...
View Rahul S. profile on Upwork, the world’s work marketplace. Rahul has completed 186 jobs on Upwork. Check out the complete profile and discover more professionals with the skills you need.
How I Went From Freelancer To Making $5M In 3 Years With My Growth Agency Learn how Wealth Ideas Agency Founder/Head of Growth, Chris Anthony, went from a one-man agency to $5M revenue in three years, to now generating $120K/month while helping other agencies implement a proven lead ge...
freelancer Dan was right on to the topic or subject, and easy to follow and understand during the lecture. Hanh Nolan Learning Adobe XD is part of my journey to receiving my UX & UI Design Certificate. I've learned so much in Adobe XD in just those 2 days and it didn't feel rushed...
530 5.7.57 SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM 550 #5.1.0 Rejected by bounce verification & Suppress NDR of a rejected or expired DSN 550 5.1.8 Access denied, bad outbound sender AS(42003) 550 5.4.1 [email]: Recipient address rejected 550 5.7.364 ...