King James BibleTake my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.New King James VersionTake My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.New ...
Tuesday Bible Verse #16 on GOD'S LOVE Celebrating God through the Ps… on From the Inside Out It's Almost Time on Deeper Roots Disappointments are not dead e… on "7 Things God Finds Disgusting… on God's group Beware: Hating a sin so much y… on The Domain for Truth An hour of...
Learn how to study the Bible by rightly dividing the word of God. Bible study in seven Phoenix, Arizona, locations. All denominations are welcome.
The above verse from John says that perfect love will cast out all fear. If these men truly loved their wives, they would not be physically or verbally abusing and violating them in the ways they have been. These kind of men are an abomination to the Lord – and what they call love, ...
I tried looking up mess in the Bible and my search engine highlighted the word message like this. MESSage. Then I realized that my messes really did age me! The word is appropriate. Then I came across this verse. “I know what rebels you are, how stubborn and willful you can be. Eve...
Bible on the verse, hand of time's on the vibe, you may smile Do you miss us? 聖經在詩句上,時間之手在氛圍中,你可以微笑 你想我們嗎? I felt it, you held it, do you miss us? 我感覺到了,你握住了,你想我們嗎? I wonder if you regret the secret of us, us, us, us I just...
downloadable/printable PDF for you containing some of these verses. Print them and use them in your warbinderor Bible journaling, or consider verse mapping them. Just click on the image below for your printable. You’ll also receive a PDF of thelessons we learned from Esther in the Bible....
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.
Inductive Bible Study - Bible Verse Interpretation Inductive Bible Study is a great tool for Bible verse interpretation and application. In the first part of this study method overview, we looked at … Read More about Inductive Bible Study - Bible Verse Interpretation...
There seems to be a Scrooge movement against preaching an Advent series. Thou must, by ways of verse by verse, sticketh to thine method of expository on thy book which currently be in question for thine pulpit. At the same time, there are many newer …Continue reading ...