Salesforce オブジェクトの種類 table True string Salesforce オブジェクトの種類です ('リード' など)。 フィルター クエリ $filter string 返されるエントリを制限する ODATA フィルター クエリです (例: stringColumn eq 'string' OR numberColumn lt 123)。 並べ替え順 $orderby strin...
Salesforce SAP SAP ERP SAP OData (Independent Publisher) SAS Decisioning ScanCloud Schiphol Airport (Independent Publisher) SchoolDigger (Independent Publisher) ScrapingBee (Independent Publisher) Screenshot One (Independent Publisher) Scrive eSign Scryfall (Independent Publisher) SearchAPI - Go...
任何想要因其 Salesforce Flow 知识和技能而受到更多需求的人 正在学习 Platform App Builder 认证的任何人 声明:本站所有文章,如无特殊说明或标注,均为本站原创发布。任何个人或组织,在未征得本站同意时,禁止复制、盗用、采集、发布本站内容到任何网站、书籍等各类媒体平台。如若本站内容侵犯了原著者的合法权益,可...
Salesforce Marketing Cloud 链接服务。扩展 LinkedService 属性展开表 clientId 与Salesforce Marketing Cloud 应用程序关联的客户端 ID。 类型:字符串(或带有 resultType 字符串的表达式)。 clientSecret 与Salesforce Marketing Cloud 应用程序关联的客户端密码。 类型:字符串(或带有 resultType 字符串的表达式)。
Power Automate 的一个常见用途是接收通知。 例如,每当有销售潜在客户添加到 Dynamics 365 或 Salesforce 时,您可以立即在手机上收到电子邮件或推送通知。 还可以使用 Power Automate 来复制文件。 例如,可以确保添加到 Dropbox 的任何文件都自动复制到 SharePoint,方便团队查找。
A connector provides operations that you can use as steps in your workflows. You can build integration solutions for most services and systems from both Microsoft and partners, including BizTalk Server, Salesforce, Office 365, SQL databases, most Azure services such as Azure Functions, Azure ...
integrate services that other sites provide. ISBs, PHP Web hosting companies, and storage as a service such as Amazon’s S3, are examples of application enablement infrastructure software as a service. This contrasts with, which was initially packaged application software as a ...
Salesforce times out batches that run more than 10 minutes. If your org uses Bulk API 2.0, it automatically resolves batch size issues. However, if an org uses V1, typically customers start with a higher batch size (10,000) and then try to reduce it if they run into timeouts. ...
In recent releases, the biggest change to the Order of Execution in Salesforce has been the introduction of flows. These are the important considerations and changes announced in the Spring ’22 release. 1. Validation System validation checks for values in required fields, field type and length ...
Salesforce times out batches that run more than 10 minutes. If your org uses Bulk API 2.0, it automatically resolves batch size issues. However, if an org uses V1, typically customers start with a higher batch size (10,000) and then try to reduce it if they run into timeouts. ...