part2-LEARN ENGLISH with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 20:32 part3-Potion Class with Professor Snape - Learn English With Harry Potter 19:15 part4-Learn English with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 18:43 part5-LEARN ENGLISH with Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire — ...
Let's learn English with Harry Potter. Today's clips feature The Sorting Hat from the first movie in the franchise where our beloved characters learn which 'house' they will be in at Hogwarts! Learn English With Harry Potter 跟哈利波特学英语高清视频,适合阅读中级章节书的小朋友。在读原版书的...
part1-Learn English With Harry Potter - Wingardium Leviosa 17:20 part2-LEARN ENGLISH with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 20:32 part3-Potion Class with Professor Snape - Learn English With Harry Potter 19:15 part4-Learn English with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 18:...
《Learn English with Harry Potter》跟着哈利波特学英语系列 这个系列会偏难,包括解说都是全英文字幕,而且语速偏快点点,每一集都针对重点单词或者特别发音进行解读,而且会用其他的电影片段来进行拓展,很有举一反三的意思。 有时候结尾还...
《跟着哈利波特学英语》Learn English with Harry Potter 油管上超火视频 《跟着哈利波特学英语》Learn English with Harry Potter 油管上超火视频
40. "if you're havin' Quidditch problems i feel bad for you son. i go 99 problems but a snitch ain't one" it makes harry potter sound like a gangst, as he brags about not having problems with Quidditch, as he is a talented seeker if you feel bad for someone, you empathize with...
今天挖到的宝藏资源是全英文《Learn English with Harry Potter》,它从“听、说、读、理解”这几个方面让学习者掌握语言,我们跟着这个节目一起来梳理一下如何跟欧美剧学英语? Step 1: 电影片段欣赏 这类课程都会选取电影中的一个连续的片...
《Learn English with Harry Potter》是纯外教讲解,他从母语的角度告诉你该怎么学、怎么读,以及一些欧美的相关文化。课程中老师会带大家一起欣赏原著,不过内容不多,算给大家一个指引。 字幕中的蓝色部分为重点词汇,老师会详细解释,一定要做笔记,并每天练习。
《Learn English with Harry Potter》是纯外教讲解,他从母语的角度告诉你该怎么学、怎么读,以及一些欧美的相关文化。课程中老师会带大家一起欣赏原著,不过内容不多,算给大家一个指引。字幕中的蓝色部分为重点词汇,老师会详细解释,一定要做笔记,并每天练习。这个系列会偏难,包括解说都是全英文字幕,而且语速偏快点点...
Written by The Harry Potter Editorial Team The Gilderoy Lockhart Quiz Written by The Harry Potter Editorial Team The wizarding families wordsearch Written by The Harry Potter Editorial Team True or False: The Sorting edition Written by The Harry Potter Editorial Team ...