Phonics T3 by:原版英文阅读 1115 Phonics T4 by:原版英文阅读 350 Phonics T1 by:原版英文阅读 2.9万 Phonics by:曼曼央央 3916 Phonics by:垦丁英语教育 1260 Phonics by:莎小莎_1v 3829 PHONICs by:Tracy_7ED 1.2万 Phonics by:LolaLee 7239
This Free Alphabet Learning for Preschool and Kindergarten is really a great educational application for both Pre-K and kindergarten. Since between 2-5 years ol…
Learning English should be enjoyable; LearningEnglish should be happy ! 快乐学英语~! 了解我们(Know Us) ‘HiEnglish老外教你学英语’学习项目是由海外华人教师及外籍英语教师联手组建的互联网线上学习平台,颠覆传统教学模式,引进国外先进教学理念,以此来帮助英语学习爱好者,不出家门,不用花高昂的费用就能和外国人...
Yeah. You’re absolutely right. When kids learn the Englishalphabet(字母表), they also learn the sounds that the letters make. So “B” is for “bat”, and they may know the word already, so then they’re just associating the “bat” sound with the letter now. Gwen But sometimes we...
简单地说,利用Phonics,孩子看到一个单词,通过解码字母的发音,就能把这个词读出来了。然而,英语的发音规则有很多,一条条学下来可不容易。 BOB Books 之所以如此受到学英语小孩的欢迎,一大原因是,孩子们并没有正式去学习一条条规则,而是在“实践”中体会到这些规则的存在,熟悉这些规则的应用场景,以至于能把规则直接用...
Free educational app to learn English letters and other basic vocabulary. Free phonics and alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun, for toddlers all the w…
# Learn ABC English Alphab...最新版 Teach your child to read and write the easy way!Read Write Phonics teaches the 44 phonic sounds of the English language, how to blend the phonic sounds together to form words, and how to write the letters of the alphabet by tracing dotted letter for...
“Learn to Read & Save the Animals” educational game offers efficient Phonics techniques in order to learn how to read in English. During the process of playing the educational game the children will hear the sound of each English letter in exactly the same way as it’s pronounced in the ...
* Multiple words per alphabets for better co-relation of letter with words. * Real sounds associated with words Let your kids learn English Alphabets in an easier way by relating each Alphabet with an object. Sounds interesting right? :) :) App achievements: * Featured on "Designed for Famil...
Here are foundations reading skills (phonics and word recognition) kids learn in 2nd grade, along with practical ways you can support your child’s learning journey: Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words (including common vowel teams). Decode short an...