Online courses providing valuable job skills and training in social media, digital marketing, copywriting, copy editing, advertising, journalism, and more.
Thousands of teachers and students are using Applied Digital Skills to improve digital literacy, and we're adding new lessons regularly. Join us and start learning or teaching digital skills today.
Upgrade your digital skills with FREE online courses Ready to gain in-demand skills to kickstart your tech career? The University of Leeds' Click Start programme offers 29 FREE digital courses to help you master Al, blockchain, software development, and more... ...
Gain new skills in just days Take advantage of free Virtual Training Days from Microsoft Learn, where participants of any skill level can grow their technical skills. Find training events Play your way to tech greatness with Cloud Games Flex your technical skills while playing Microsoft Learn...
Learn how to use the internet. Learn My Way is a website of free online learning for beginners, helping you develop digital skills.
Upgrade your digital skills with FREE online courses Ready to gain in-demand skills to kickstart your tech career? The University of Leeds' Click Start programme offers 29 FREE digital courses to help you master Al, blockchain, software development, and more... ...
Learn how to use the internet. Learn My Way is a website of free online learning for beginners, helping you develop digital skills.
The Skill Sets is an online skills training marketplace for teachers and students. Learn and teach digital skills via online courses and make money online
The high cost of training is the most common impediment. The onus remains on companies to upskill their employees. Some employees, however, may wish to take digital skills training into their own hands to improve processes and results, as well as their own employability. Having a grounding in...
You might already have a set of strong digital skills but polishing them and adding a few more can take you to the next level. Not everyone is destined to become the next Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, but applying an entrepreneurial mindset to your work can work wonders even ...