TTF Telugu Type Foundry TTG Twardoch Typography TTNC Typetanic Fonts TTOK TikTok TTTT TypeUnit TTY Tipotype TUDO tudotype TWK TYPE.WELTKERN® TY Typocalypse TYBY TYPE TAILORS TYCU TypeCulture TYFA typofactur TYFR TYHA TypeHabesha TYMD TYPEMADE TYME type me! Font Foundry TYPA...
Fixed typo in Telugu range Updated bit 61 (July 2010) Corrected comments under fsSelection bit table (July 2010) otff.htm Changed ULONG to FIXED for TTC Header version numbers Changed “Table Directory” to “Table Record” since it is refering to a single entry in the directory prep.htm...
Non-Unicode In this scenario, especially with connections between a server that's running a newer operating system and a client that's running an earlier version of SQL Server, or on an older operating system, there can be limitations or errors when you move data to a client computer. Unico...
TTF Telugu Type Foundry TTG Twardoch Typography TTNC Typetanic Fonts TTTT TypeUnit TTY Tipotype TUDO tudotype TWK TYPE.WELTKERN® TY Typocalypse TYBY TYPE TAILORS TYCU TypeCulture TYFA typofactur TYFR TYHA TypeHabesha TYMD TYPEMADE TYME type me! Font Foundry TYPA Typadelic ...
TTF Telugu Type Foundry TTG Twardoch Typography TTNC Typetanic Fonts TTOK TikTok TTTT TypeUnit TTY Tipotype TUDO tudotype TWK TYPE.WELTKERN® TY Typocalypse TYBY TYPE TAILORS TYCU TypeCulture TYFA typofactur TYFR TYHA TypeHabesha TYMD TYPEMADE TYME type me! Font Foundry TYPA...
For more information, see Non-Word Character. A white-space character. A character in the input string can be any Unicode separator character, as well as any one of a number of control characters. For more information, see White-Space Character. A non-white-space character. A character in...
‘“The Microsoft business analysis” OR “MS revenue” ’ You choose English (LCID=1033) as the parsing language and use a stoplist named ‘MyStopList’ (with ID =77). Assume that the word ‘The’ is listed in this stoplist for English. When the stoplist id=0, the system stoplist is...
‘“The Microsoft business analysis” OR “MS revenue” ’ You choose English (LCID=1033) as the parsing language and use a stoplist named ‘MyStopList’ (with ID =77). Assume that the word ‘The’ is listed in this stoplist for English. When the stoplist id=0, the system stoplist is...
‘“The Microsoft business analysis” OR “MS revenue” ’ You choose English (LCID=1033) as the parsing language and use a stoplist named ‘MyStopList’ (with ID =77). Assume that the word ‘The’ is listed in this stoplist for English. When the stoplist id=0, the system stoplist is... Thaith.microsoftth.lucene Turkishtr.microsofttr.lucene All analyzers with names annotated withLuceneare powered byApache Lucene's language analyzers. See also Create an index ...