Programmatically answer the UAC's notifiaction about changes to the computer Prompt to Insert smart card when running Certutil -Repairstore Protected User Group - Event ID:100 - NTLM Authentication failed Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly. 0x8009001d (-2146893795 NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL...
Select This is a local computer account, not a domain account if the account is a local computer account. Important The account must have administrative rights on the computer for the repair to succeed. Select Repair. In the Agent Management Task Status dialog, the Status for each selected ...
Type of repair action (replace, restart, reimage) that will be used for repairing unhealthy virtual machines in the scale set.
The Repair-WindowsImage cmdlet repairs a Windows image in a WIM or VHD file.Use the Online parameter to specify the running operating system on your local computer, or use the Path parameter to specify the location of a mounted Windows image....
{ "computerName": "myVM", "adminUsername": "admin", "windowsConfiguration": { "provisionVMAgent": true, "enableAutomaticUpdates": false }, "secrets": [] }, "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaces": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/...
Restart the computer by using the Windows XP Professional operating system CD. Wait for the Windows XP Professional Setup program to display the Welcome to Setup screen (this might take a few moments). Choose To repair a Windows XP Professional installation by pressing R. Type the number ...
If you convert your boot partition from the FAT file system to the NTFS file system on an x86-based computer, be sure to update your Emergency Repair Disk. The NTFS Partition Boot Sector must be on the Emergency Repair Disk, not the FAT Partition Boot Sector. The Emergency Repair Disk is...
For example, if a traveling professional makes a lot of presentations, bids, and quotes, it may make sense to allow them to have Microsoft Office 2000 on CD, so that if they ever need the source files to install or repair a feature while they are not connected to the network they can...
Verify that the computer is set up to generate a complete memory dump file when a crash occurs. For more information, see Method 1: Memory dump. Locate the memory.dmp file in your Windows directory on the computer that is crashing, and copy that file to another comput...
(1)Fixing My Computer... 100% free step-by-step guide ✕Remove Ads If you can get by the pink, blue, and green pastel colors, this site can be a real great resource in you journey to DIY computer repair proficiency. Once you arrive at this site, you'll easily find, along the l...