Writing computer programs in Python just got a lot easier! Use AI-assisted tools like GitHub Copilot to go from idea to application faster than you can say “ChatGPT.” In Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming: With Copilot and ChatGPT you’ll learn how to: Write fun and useful Python ap...
现在,GitHub Copilot 等工具可以根据您的简单英语描述立即生成工作程序。Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming 立即成为畅销书,它教会了成千上万有抱负的程序员如何在 AI 的帮助下以简单的方式编写 Python。它非常适合初学者,或者任何在传统编程的陡峭学习曲线中苦苦挣扎的人。 在学习 AI 辅助 Python 编程(第二版)...
Four steps to expanding your AI skills with Python and Microsoft Learn Masato1345 MicrosoftJul 11, 2024 Python is not just a programming language—it’s also a gateway to the vast and exciting world of AI for beginners and experts alike. Known for...
Orchestrate your work withAIand ML. Learn RPA’s power, conduct web symphonies, utilize spreadsheets, and automate emails. You can also extract data from PDFs and images, choreograph applications, and play with deep learning. Design workflows, create hyperautomation finales, and combine Python with...
Learning the foundations of machine learning and Python could help you stand out in the competitive tech space. Getty Images The fastest growing jobs in the world right now are ones dealing with AI and machine learning. That’s according to the World Economic Forum. This should come at no ...
You get to learn how to write larger, more meaningful software faster, because of how an AI assistant fundamentally changes the skills needed to learn programming. 1.4 What else can Copilot do for us? 正如我们看到的,我们可以使用英语来描述自己的任务给Copilot。不再需要纠结枯燥的语法了。
GitHub文档https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/getting-started-with-github-copilot 本书网站:https://www.manning.com/books/learn-ai-assisted-python-programming 线上阅读地址:https://livebook.manning.com/book/learn-ai-assisted-python-programming/discussion ...
书名:Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT 作者:Leo Porter / Daniel Zingaro 出版社:Manning 出版时间:2023-11-21 页数:约 296 页 定价:39.99 美元 ISBN:9781633437784 正版购买渠道:Manning 官网 | 亚马逊 | 天猫
Learn AI, Deep Learning, & Computer Vision with Python 学生总数 11,918 审核 1,114 关于我 Vision:We aim to help people understand, develop and applyArtificial Intelligence(AI). Making world-classAI Educationaccessible to everyone.The mission is to develop and advance AI.The future lies in buil...
Learn it with Python - Run your computer life In the world of development, where technologies like AI, machine learning, automation, web development are taking over, the demand of programmers and development professionals are increasing at the same rate. What if we had only one programming ...