Learn about the usage of predictive and the progressive dialersIvana Lewis
Predictive Model Score Predictive Score Predictive Scoring Sync Status Preferred Agent Preferred Agent Customer Identity Preferred Agent Routed Entity Presence Price List Price List Item Process Process Log Process Session Process Stage Product Product Association Product Relationship Productivity pane...
应用程序通过LINEADDRESSCAPS中的dwAddrCapFlags成员中的 LINEADDRCAPFLAGS_PREDICTIVEDIALER 位将设备标识为具有预测拨号功能。LINEADDRESSCAPS中的dwPredictiveAutoTransferStates成员指示可以命令预测拨号端口以自动转移呼叫的状态;如果此成员为零,则表示自动转移不可用,并且应用程序负责在检测到适当的调用状态 (或媒体类型或...
SunDial war der allererste Windows-Dialogic-basierte Predictive Dialer (automatisierte Wähleinrichtung) für den amerikanischen und weltweiten Callcenter-Markt. Syrinx Consulting Needham (MA), USA Das Team für die Entwicklung mobiler Lösungen von Syrinx setzt sich aus Expert*innen zusammen, die ...
PropertyValue Description Stores additional context about the interaction DisplayName Interaction Context IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName msdyn_interactioncontext RequiredLevel None Type Memo Format Text FormatName Text ImeMode Auto IsLocalizable False MaxLength 1048576ms...
Some of the main coding skills you’ll learn here include how to use Python for machine learning and predictive modeling. Best Free Python Tutorials Android Chat App in Python | NeuralNine If you are interested in creating a messaging app, you can find a free Python tutorial in the form ...
Some of the main coding skills you’ll learn here include how to use Python for machine learning and predictive modeling. Best Free Python Tutorials Android Chat App in Python | NeuralNine If you are interested in creating a messaging app, you can find a free Python tutorial in the form ...
Advantages of Voicent's BroadcastByPhone Auto Dialer One time purchase, use forever No monthly fee, no contract Instant Download Works on any PC Works with VOIP, PBX, phone line Easy to use You can try it before you buy it Find out moreThe telephone audio format The audio file used to...
3. Provide Users With Predictive Search Functionality Every app should have a search bar. It might be there to help users sift through content, to find the contact they’re looking for from a long list, or to ask a question about something in the app. ...
LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_PREDICTIVEDIAL = 0x00000040This bit is used only when placing a call on an address with predictive dialing capability (LINEADDRCAPFLAGS_PREDICTIVEDIALER is on in thedwAddrCapFlagsmember inLINEADDRESSCAPS). The bit must be on to enable the enhanced call progress and or the me...