Here are the letter factory. We make better letters thananywhereelse in the world. Why because we train our letters to make their soundabsolutelyperfect very time. Hey I find some old letters E-F-G and H that we can use todecoratethestage. I was thinking I could play this song <All ...
I was thinking I could play this song <All the letters from A to Z>. May be I could do a dance with this big letter O. E F G H ,how many letters are there Only 26 Tad ,but maybe you ’re too little to remember all of don ’ t you just sit and watch ...
IwasthinkingIcouldplaythissongAllthelettersfromAtoZ. MaybeIcoulddoadancewiththisbigletterO. EFGH,howmanylettersarethere Only26Tad,butmaybeyou’retoolittletorememberallofdon’tyoujustsitandwatch Toolittle,justwatch,getlost. No.,Tad.Ididn’tmeanitlikethat. Leapweneedtopracticesothepresentationwillbe...
Here are the letter factory. We make better letters thananywhereelse in the world. Why because we train our letters to make their soundabsolutelyperfect very time. Hey I find some old letters E-F-G and H that we can use todecoratethestage. I was thinking I could play this song <All ...