Here are the letter factory. We make better letters thananywhereelse in the world. Why because we train our letters to make their soundabsolutelyperfect very time. Hey I find some old letters E-F-G and H that we can use todecoratethestage. I was thinking I could play this song <All ...
I was thinking I could play this song <All the letters from A to Z>. May be I could do a dance with this big letter O. E F G H ,how many letters are there Only 26 Tad ,but maybe you ’re too little to remember all of don ’ t you just sit and watch ...
Here are the letter factory. We make better letters thananywhereelse in the world. Why because we train our letters to make their soundabsolutelyperfect very time. Hey I find some old letters E-F-G and H that we can use todecoratethestage. I was thinking I could play this song <All ...