reminds me I need to get this moter suit clean. What does the A say ( [ You see my boy learning lette is easy,Now you know : (Sing:) The A says [?] the A says [?] every letter makes sound the A says [ Wo, what letter is next ...
What does the A say ([æ][æ][æ][æ]) You see my boy learning letters is easy,Now you know : (Sing:) The A says[æ]the A says[æ]every letter makes sound the A says[æ]. Wo, what letter is next The letter B. Hey, this b forgot one of itsbumps. That a...
(Sing:) The A says [?] the A says [?] every letter makes sound the A says [?] . Wo, what letter is next The letter B. Hey, this b forgot one 跳跳蛙字母工厂的英文字幕leapfrog letterfactory 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. ...
thatwasexactlytherightsoundfortheletter A.[?]asinant.WhichremindsmeIneedtogetthismonstersuitclean.Whatdoesthe Asay([?][?][?][?]) Youseemyboylearninglettersiseasy,Nowyouknow: (Sing:)TheAsays[?]theAsays[?]everylettermakessoundtheAsays[?]. Wo,whatletterisnext TheletterB. Hey,thisbforgotoneof...
Teaches reading, comprehension, phonics skills, vocabulary, writing and letter forms. Ages 4-8 years At a glance Makes noise Y Assembled product dimensions (l x w x h) 11.50 x 12.75 x 2.63 Inches Batteries incl N As low as $11/moor0% APRwith ...
but she clearly found the Epic much easier to hold than our old Nexus 7 or the iPad Air. She also loved the stylus and used it at every opportunity, even gripping onto it tightly when it came time to put the tablet away for the day, in the hope of holding onto it for a while lo...
2.The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the instructional stroke forms at least a portion of a letter of the alphabet. 3.The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising an audio output device coupled to the processor unit and wherein the memory device further comprises code for providing an audio...