Browse leap year resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.
This page has printable worksheets to use with kids on February 29th, Leap Day. There's a reading comprehension story, cut-and-glue crafts, and math activities.
Pumpkin coloring pages are another creative way to enjoy the Halloween season. These printables often include pumpkins with expressive faces, patterns, and scenes that will captivate children's imaginations. Pumpkin-themed learning activities Use a pumpkin-themed printable to teach a variety of subjects...
This is a sample page from our Palm Sunday Headbands and Activities which also includes headbands to reenact the Bible story, memory verse cards, Bible Reading Passage Card, Coloring Page, and Journal It writing reflection printable. We've also got a Make a Bunny Craft or Bunny Headbands too...
Browse leap year resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.
Browse leap year resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.
Browse leap year resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.
This printable activity is a perfect opportunity for growing classroom community as students share more about themselves. Perfect for back to school or the end of the school year, this easy to use activity is sure to be a hit in your classroom! Looking for more fun activities like this?
FREEBIE February Leap Year Coloring Page Created by Sharing My Sunshine No prep just print :) Click here for more fun! LEAP YEAR CROWNLEAP DAY CRAFTMarch Writing FunMarch Craft Spring Letter MatchSpring Bundle Not Grade Specific Holidays/Seasonal, Spring FREE 5.0 (1) Log in to Download Wish...