It took me aleapof faith to get to where I am today It was aleapof faith jumping off that cliff into the water examples for take chances: Take a chance and tryout for the soccer team Take your chances while you still can He gave you a chance, so take it ...
leap of faithsomething you do even though it involves arisk, hoping that it will have a good result→leap Examples from the Corpus leap of faith•For this theMiddleEastneeds aleap of faith.•These reforms,untestedbypilotevaluations,representaleap of faith.•If not, somefranchisewill have...
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Quiz Q: True or false: An "ailurophile" hates cats. true false Take the full quiz.Go to all quizzes Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary...
The phrase “Leap of Faith” is deeply rooted in faith, literature, and history. In my simple guide to the common phrase, I’ll dive deep into its origins, explore its meaning, and provide helpful examples of how we can use this phrase in everyday conversations. Taking a Leap of Faith ...
leap 2 of 2 noun 1 a : an act of leaping : spring, bound b(1) : a place leaped over or from (2) : the distance covered by a leap 2 a : a sudden passage or transition a great leap forward b : a choice made in an area of ultimate concern a leap of faith ...
6.leap of faithsomething you do even though it involves a risk, hoping that it will have a good result果敢的举动 Examples from the Corpus leap of faith•For this the Middle East needs aleap of faith.•These reforms, untested by pilot evaluations, represent aleap of faith.•If not,...
Every marriage requires aleap of faith, even for people who don’t have lousy examples all around them. Małżeństwo wymaga sporej odwagii wiary, nawet u ludzi, którzy nie mieli złych doświadczeń. Literature Someone who's ready to take theleap of faith. ...
“For a forlorn nation, a leap of faith awaits.” . Yes! . A leap of faith…. awaits… . Nothing more… Nothing less… . When everything else has failed, it is faith that keeps us going… . The faith that the Sun somehow will rise tomorrow too… ...
quantum/great/huge etc leapa quantum leap(=very great increase or change)in population levelsleap ina 16% leap in pre-tax profitsleap forwardthe huge leap forward that took place in the 1980s3→by/in leaps and bounds4→a leap of (the) imagination5→leap in the dark6→leap of faith...