从原理上,只要是可以进行数据处理的软件就可以用leap motion。并且实际上,Touch Designer可以直接连Leap Motion做手的姿态,位置识别。Unity也可以直连,并且用AI插件做数据处理。但是这些我自己没有实际上手做过。跳出leap motion的话,Oculus Quest Pro和Apple Vision这种做VRMR的手势识别也很厉害,比如《Maestro》那个...
Leap Motion's hand tracking technology is designed to be embedded directly into VR/AR headsets. LeapMotion厉动中国 简介:- 1 竞品信息 19 序号 竞品项目名称 最新融资轮次 成立时间 所属地 项目简介 所属企业 1 IFVR 天使轮 2016-08-16 北京 移动VR头盔头部跟踪及体感交互系统研发商 ... ...
Leap Motion’s hand tracking technology makes grabbing and poking virtual objects nearly as simple as in real life. Combine this with ZED Mini AR passthrough ...
Ultraleap’s world-leading hand tracking captures all the subtlety and complexity of natural hand movements. Real interaction, in real-time.
Leap Motion's hand tracking technology is designed to be embedded directly into VR/AR headsets. LeapMotion厉动中国 简介:- 1 竞品信息 19 序号 竞品项目名称 最新融资轮次 成立时间 所属地 项目简介 所属企业 1 IFVR 天使轮 2016-08-16 北京 移动VR头盔头部跟踪及体感交互系统研发商 ... ...
1.Leap Motion Controller The Leap Motion Controller is an optical hand tracking module that captures the movements of your hands with unparalleled accuracy. From XR to touchless kiosks, the Leap Motion Controller makes interaction with digital content natural and effortless. ...
Our world-leading hand tracking and haptics powers intuitive, touchless gesture control in AR/VR, interactive kiosks, digital out-of-home and automotive.
Motion tracking data Leap Motion 再其视野内设备追踪hands, fingers, and tools,它提供了一系列数据集合frame的更新。每个frame都包含基本的跟踪数据,如hands, fingers, and tools,以及识别出的Gestures和整个场景中motion元素的描述 。 当它检测到a hand, finger, tool, or gesture, Leap Motion 软件为它分配一...
Leap Motion 示例场景 示例场景使用 DefaultLeapMotionConfiguration 配置文件,并确定 Unity 项目是否正确配置为使用 Leap Motion 数据提供程序。 示例场景包含在“MRTK/example/Demos/HandTracking/”目录中的 “MixedReality”包中。 另请参阅 输入提供程序
Getting joints using the Leap Motion Data Provider is identical to hand joint retrieval for an MRTK Articulated Hand. For more information, see Hand Tracking.With MRTK in a unity scene and the Leap Motion Data Provider added as an Input Data Provider in the Input System profile, create an ...