1.Leap Motion Controller The Leap Motion Controller is an optical hand tracking module that captures the movements of your hands with unparalleled accuracy. From XR to touchless kiosks, the Leap Motion Controller makes interaction with digital content natural and effortless. 光学手部跟踪模块,精度捕捉手...
查看了LeapMotionForProcessing库的依赖关系——Running Leap Motion Software v2 (2.3.1+31549)。 懂了,安装LeapMotionForProcessing库的Leap Motion Software版本应该是v2 .3.1。 于是,我又安装了Leap_Motion_SDK_Windows_2.3.1(网址:V2 Tracking — Leap Motion Developer)。途中,蹦出一条警告,说我的32-bit int...
在MRTK 中使用 Leap Motion (by Ultraleap) 手部追蹤 匯入MRTK 和 Leap Motion Unity 模組/Unity 外掛程式 安裝最新的Leap Motion Tracking Software,以在尚未安裝追蹤服務時取得追蹤服務 將Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Foundation套件匯入 Unity 專案中。
It took years to design and build the Leap Motion Controller, and our software engineers are the people who bring the potential of the device’s hardware to life. Earlier this week, we asked some members of our software engineering team to talk about their lives, work, and passions. While...
Ultraleap's fifth generation hand tracking software for the Leap Motion Controller 全部评测: 6 篇用户评测 发行日期: 2024 年 7 月 18 日 开发商: Ultraleap 发行商: Ultraleap 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 实用工具软件培训孩童软件硬件 + 想要将此项目添加至您的愿望单、关注它或标记为已忽略,请先 ...
Leap Motion is a motion-control software and hardware company developing a sensitive 3-D motion-control and motion-sensing technology. Leap Motion's first product, the Leap Motion controller lets users navigate and interact with computer applications using natural hand and finger movements. ...
Hand Tracking-Add-on für VR › Industry-leading hand and finger tracking › 6th generation (Hyperion) hand tracking software › 160° x 160° wide field of view › Includes software license and XR mount €239.00 incl. tax and excl.shipping ...
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, Ultraleap grants to you a limited nonexclusive license to install and use one copy of the Software on a single computer for use only with a Leap Motion Controller or an Ultraleap-authorized embedded optical module (each, a “Ultraleap ...
The Leap Motion Controller 2 is a small, sleek addition to your desktop with enormous possibilities. Here's a few key ready-to-go software applications
pythondronedronekitleap-motionleap-motion-controllergesture-controllerhandcontrol3drsolo UpdatedApr 11, 2023 Python Unity software to evaluate the performance of 3D interaction with hand tracking devices in AR/VR, based on the ISO9241-9 standard ...