比萨斜塔(意大利语:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa,英语:Leaning Towerof Pisa)是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,位于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。 奇迹广场的大片草坪上散布着一组宗教建筑,它们是大教堂(建造于1063年—13世纪)、洗礼堂(建造于1153年—14世纪)、钟楼(即比萨斜塔)和墓园(建造...
托斯卡纳大区 比萨斜塔(Leaning Tower of Pisa) 介绍 Piazza del Duomo,56126 Pisa PI,意大利 +39 050 835011 概况 比萨斜塔,世界著名建筑奇观,意大利的标志之一。 比萨斜塔位于意大利托斯卡纳大区比萨省比萨市城区北面奇迹广场建筑群,而且它和相邻的大教堂、洗礼堂、墓园均对11世纪至14世纪意大利建筑艺术有巨大影响,故...
(56.4 m), the Leaning Tower of Pisa is the smallest "tower" to achieve worldwide recognition. Alto solo 56,4 m, il campanile della piazza del duomo di Pisa è la "torre" più piccola ad aver raggiunto una popolarità su scala mondiale. 15 5x 2 1x 3 2x 2x 16 1x 4 1x 2x 5 ...
著名的Piazza del Duomo大教堂,或大教堂广场,是在城市的西北部。在这个广场的洗礼,一个圆形的洗礼教堂建筑使用;大教堂,从1063年建成1160;和大理石钟楼,作为著名的比萨斜塔。据认为,在教堂的天文学家伽利略首次提出的意见,后来作为一个著名的原则摆议案。钟楼,这是一百七十九英尺(55米)高,50英尺(15米)宽,是不...
Discover the fascinating history of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, from its 12th-century origins to modern day. Learn why it leans, how it was saved, and the captivating stories behind Italy's most iconic monument. Plan your visit with expert insights and in
Leaning Tower of Pisa Andy Selin下载歌曲猜你喜欢听 Pantheon Andy Selin Piazza del Popolo Andy Selin Pompeii Andy Selin 歌手与专辑 歌手Andy Selin 专辑Italy 推荐视频 前往下载QQ音乐 应用名称:QQ音乐|开发者:深圳腾讯计算机系统有限公司 版本号14.0.0|隐私政策|服务协议|产品功能|应用权限 ...
Before that go through this Leaning Tower of Pisa information. Overview of Leaning Tower of Pisa Location City of Pisa Address Piazza del Duomo, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy Timings March 1st to 23rd: 9 am to 6 pm March 23rd to 29th: 9 am to 7 pm March 30th and 31st: 8.30 am to 8 pm...
欧洲旅行者必看的景点——比萨斜塔(Leaning Tower of Pisa),位于意大利托斯卡纳省的比萨市,是世界遗产奇迹广场的核心组成部分。这个塔因其独特的倾斜角度而闻名于世,吸引着无数游客前来一探究竟。前往理由1987年,国际古迹遗产理事会将其列为世界文化遗产,这使得比萨斜塔成为全球游客向往的地标。购票进入...
leaning tower of pisa 英语阅读Title: The Leaning Tower of Pisa The Leaning Tower of Pisa, also known as the Tower of Piazza dei Miracoli, is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Italy. Standing in the Piazza del Duomo in the city of Pisa, the tower's unique lean has captured ...
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Italy’s most famous landmarks, so it’s no surprise that queues can be long. This 1-hour skip-the-line tour ensures you don’t waste any time, with a guided walking tour of the magnificent Piazza dei Miracoli, ...