TexasWilliamson CountyLeander1637 Bovina DrListed by Tina Mallach Brokered by Mallach and CompanyVirtual tour1/39 House for sale $524,999 Estimated mortgage PaymentEst. $4,017/moper month. Click to open monthly payment calculator modal 4bed 3.5bath 2,665sqft2,665 square feet 8,821sqft lot...
The price and tax history data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction. Contact your REALTOR® directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available. Want to get comps?Contact agent Neighborhood & schools Travis county in Texas ...
TexasWilliamson CountyLeander1609 Garlock DrListed by Joe Acosta Brokered by SATEX PROPERTIESNew Construction 1/27Pending $410,619 3bed 2bath 1,675sqft1,675 square feet 6,534sqft lot6,534 square foot lot 1609 Garlock Dr, Leander, TX 78641 Estimated mortgage PaymentEst. $3,260/moper month....