少库存快速转变和反应快速转变和反应最大灵活性最大灵活性改善生产能力管理改善生产能力管理雇员满意雇员满意品质管理体系品质管理体系 六西格玛六西格玛精益精益以客户为中心以客户为中心2六西格玛六西格玛-Six Sigma D DM MA AI IC C13全员广泛参与 MotorolaSix Sigma的摇篮提高质量会降低成本提高质量会降低成本 销售额...
leanjuransigmaglobaldmaicinstitute Leanvs.SixSigma AllRightsReserved,JuranInstitute,Inc.Leanvs.SixSigma2.PPT LearningObjectives 1.1.UnderstandDMAICandLeanMethodologies. 4.WhereareSixSigmaandLeanMethodologies4.WhereareSixSigmaandLeanMethodologies used? 3.3.WhatarethetoolsusedforSixSigmaandLean? 2.Whatarethediff...
Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma are two popular process improvement methodologies that can help in this effort. Let’s define each, break down their history, and show you how to implement these methodologies to help you determine the right approach for your business. Difference between Lean and...
The following lesson examines the Lean and Six Sigma approaches, the appropriate situations for using either of the methods, and finally, an...
1、质量水平调查:当时质量水平在 3SIGMA左右,质量损失达70-100亿美元 2、水平对比:同时对优秀企业进行水 平对比:惠普、德州仪器、摩托罗拉、 丰田,发现质量是重中之重,顶级质量 在竞争激烈的环境中得以生存 3、6 SIGMA的特点:不同点在于关注利 润,缩短运作周期,减少库存,减少缺 陷,自然提高产品质量 4 站在顾客...
Accuracy Accurate but not precise: Acceptable Project Precision and Accuracy Traditional vs. 6 Sigma quality n Traditional 99.73 percent (3 sigma) yields – 54,000 incorrect drug prescriptions per year – 40,500 newborn babies dropped each year n Six sigma quality (99.9996%) yields – One ...
11. Lean vs. Sixsigma 另外,Lean与六西格玛相似之处,比如: 顾客导向–价值观都是为顾客创造价值; 全员参与–推进都需要从整个系统出发; 持续改善—这就不解释了吧 同时,在方法论上,二者比较不同,这就形成了很好的互补,因此Lean与Six Sigma方法的结合是必要的。
-LG往年活动回顾 -LeanSixSigma的概念 LeanSixSigma -SixSigmaReview-LeanThinking -Leanvs.SixSigma 消除浪费 -浪费的概念-7大浪费-价值流程图-生产活动的结构损失 模拟运营 -模拟运营介绍 午休 模拟运营 -4轮模拟经营活动 -LeanSixSigma定理 总结 -LeanSixSigma图示 -浪费去除案例共享 ...
I have that article of Lean vs Sigma vs TOC. It is very resourceful. I’ve been trained in Six Sigma & Lean tools. But it is more than just that. It comes down to using Both Lean & Six Sigma. Lean is very visual in mapping out the value stream, setting things in order with 5S...
Lean Six Sigma vs. Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma are two related strategies that can solve process problems. Both can help companies make noteworthy improvements in quality, efficiency, and use of time by analyzing the way their processes function. Both use the DMAIC phases/method. ...