lean towards lean-fleshed lean-looking leaning leaning tower limited list look look kindly upon look to matter-of-fact meager mean menace miserly narrow natural neat necessitous needy niggardly not hesitate to open paltry parsimonious penurious ...
Synonyms for lean back in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for lean back. 1 synonym for lean back: recline. What are synonyms for lean back?
Zarqawi, until his death in 2006, turned his violence towards Iraq's Shia majority, attempting to kill as many civilians as possible in order to spark a bitter civil war that would, in this Mephistophelean scheme, radicalise his fellow Sunnis. Reassessing 9/11: Anthony Smith reviews a ...
Towards a definition of “software architecture” Unlike application architecture and system architecture, which are relatively well understood, the term “software architecture” isn’t. Rather than getting tied up in the complexities and nuances of the many definitions of software architecture that exis...
Please don't lean out of the window when we're moving. He has a strong shoulder for you to lean on. Her husband is a nice-looking man who is a little on the lean side. After few months of training he became lean. He leaned towards her. / Chicken meat is very lean. / My girl...
Synonym of [i]thin client[/i] + 添加翻译 英文-西班牙文字典 cliente ligero UN term 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ lean client "自动翻译成 西班牙文 cliente ligero Glosbe Translate cliente magro Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“lean client"翻译成 西班牙文 变形 干 匹配词 所...
So, going by this new approach towards ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’, an inbound contact centre is a pull since there are explicit limit on the no. of resources that can take customer calls at a given point in time and a self serve buffet in a restaurant will be push as it does not limit...
gossypiicola is known to also produce 2- to multi-celled conidia in vivo, hence the Ascochyta gossypii synonym (De Gruyter 2002). In contrast to these plant pathogens, a fungicolous species also occurs in the present clade. Species from the genera Phoma and Ampelomyces have been “...
3–5 μm wide.Conidiaholoblastic complex, originating as chains of fusiform, oval to almost globose cells strongly constricted at the septa, pale brown and becoming darker towards the centre, later branching repeatedly and forming compact tuft-like bodies up to 150 μm diam, individual cell...
The term “lean production” was first introduced in “The machine that changed the world,” published in 1990 (Holweg2007), to differentiate Toyota’s production practices from mass production in the automotive industry. Thus, lean production can be seen as a synonym to the Toyota Production Sy...