You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Rotor Nader Montazerin, ... Moastafa Mahmoodi, in Developments in Turbomachinery Flow, 2015 3.2 Lean angle in rotor blades Although the discussion in Section 3.1 sheds some light on the fluid mechanics of half-cone rotor proper...
When it comes to tools, I’ll go through a job and realize if I had this specialty tool, it would’ve saved me 45min of struggle. So I add it to my wishlist and will grab it next time I see a good deal or maybe my brother or mom or wife grabs it for me for ...
This reminds me of why we pitch for an iterative design process or for using the RITE methodology (rapid iterative testing and evaluation). Many product development decision-makers feel that the best time to conduct a usability test is near launch time, when things look good and are “ready”...
That also did it for me with my more recent lisp-interface-library, on which I’m presenting a paper at ILC 2012: “LIL: CLOS reaches higher-order, sheds identity, and has a transformative experience”. One double downside of ASDF 2 is that it both took a lot of resources I didn’t...