lean to house 单斜面温室 lean to heat bed 单斜面温床 lean to roof 单坡屋顶 lean to tent phr. 倾斜的帐棚 double lean to roof 蝶形屋顶,内坡屋顶 lean on 靠在…,倚…;依靠,依赖对…施加压力;逼迫 lean to v. 倾向,偏向 lean forward 向前倾斜,朝前探过身子 lean concrete 贫混凝土...
lean to roof 单坡屋顶 double lean to roof 蝶形屋顶,内坡屋顶 lean to heat bed 单斜面温床 lean to house 单斜面温室 lean to tent phr. 倾斜的帐棚 lean on 靠在…,倚…;依靠,依赖对…施加压力;逼迫 lean to v. 倾向,偏向 lean forward 向前倾斜,朝前探过身子 lean concrete 贫混凝土...
1.a shack or shed supported at one side by trees or posts and having an inclined roof. 2.a roof of a single pitch with the higher end abutting a wall or larger building. 3.a structure with such a roof. [1425–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Di...
Models range from dwarf or mini greenhouses (usually in the range of 3 ft. x 4 ft. designs and taller two-tier structures) up to wide, walk-in lean-tos (up to 10 ft. x 20 ft.) that can be immediately accessible from inside your house. Roofs can also be slanted at a steep ang...
英文: A house with a roof, a roof.中文: 房子有屋顶,一个屋顶。英文: They need to repair ht roof.中文: 他们需要修补屋顶。英文: They need to repair the roof.中文: 他们需要修补屋顶。
1.a shack or shed supported at one side by trees or posts and having an inclined roof. 2.a roof of a single pitch with the higher end abutting a wall or larger building. 3.a structure with such a roof. [1425–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Di...
or torsion to the drain member so as to improve waterproofing performance in the lean-to roof ventilating structure installed between the lean-to roof upper edge part and external wall of a general dwelling house or the like so as to ventilate the attic and the like of the lean-to roof.GO...
Lean-to conservatory designs & features You’re in control of the size of your uPVC Lean-to conservatory, along with choosing the base, frames and roof — from shape to colour — resulting in a new room that is unique to you. And since ConservatoryLand is the only UK-based company that...
The location plan is used to match individual components to their respective position on the roof. Our numbering convention always starts at the top left, against the house wall as you look from outside the conservatory 6、 back at the host wall. The majority of aluminium and PVCu components...
building or wall," mid-15c., fromlean(v.) +to(adv.). Comparepenthouse. "An addition made to a house behind, or at the end of it, chiefly for domestic offices, of one story or more, lower than the main building, and the roof of it leaning against the wall of the house" [...