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A couple of years ago I gave a good review to “The Principal,” a film starringJames Belushias a tough high school principal who took a baseball bat to the drug dealers. Why did I like that movie more than “Lean on Me?” Both movies are well-made and well-acted, but “The Princ...
Leading with problems can put your prospects on the defensive because people don’t like to feel vulnerable. Some products are hard to frame regarding problems, e.g., desire-driven products like video games, fashion, or a movie. So, is there a better way? The answer has been staring us ...
How to tell: Before you settle on a name, verbally ask a few people to check out the site (you don’t even have to say it’s yours): “Hey, can you do me a quick favor and see if this site is working for you:Oidlii.com.” Don’t specify the correct spelling. If they hesit...
stories of entrepreneurs, not the kind of movie version and the Hollywood version that you read in the magazines, but we get the real stories, you know, with actual entrepreneurs — what you discover is that even if the vision is right on, and they see the future, the specifics of the...
This week's reviews of what's new on Blu-ray, DVD and StreamingBy Matt Brunson @moviematt1 (View From The Couch is a weekly column that reviews what's new on Blu-ray, DVD and Streaming. Ratings are on a four-star scale.) Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon in Bull ...
Netflix Vice President of Corporate Communications Steve Swasey anticipates seeing a lot of success (without predicting any numbers) on Nintendo's Wii platform. He notes the system's American install base, saying, "26 million homes in America have a Wii. That's a whole lot of folks." ...
He has previously written for Adventure Publishing Group with toy and movie reviews as well as Anime News Network on anime interest articles because liking anime is the least nerdy thing about him. When not reviewing products, he's probably doing sociological analyses on pop culture that no one...
In case you missed it, Yung Lean recently announced that he’d be donating streaming royalties and merch profits to Black Lives Matter and various bailout funds. We got you covered. Don’t miss out on the latest news by signing up for our newsletters. Subscribe By subscribing, you agree...
Press play to watch above and revisit Bladee’s latestWorking on Dyingmixtape, streaming now onSoundCloud. In other related news, mega retailer H&M was recently caughtstealing designs from Sadboys Gear. What to Read Next Music Yung Lean Announces New Album 'Jonatan' ...