3. Natural Number Game:自然数游戏 Lean4Game的第一部分,自然数游戏,实际上就是使用Peano公理证明自然数的一些性质,这里复习一下Peano公理: 0 是自然数; 每一个自然数 n 均有自然数后继 S(n); 若自然数 m,n 满足S(m)=S(n) ,则有 m=n; 没有任何自然数的后继是 0; (归纳公理)对任意谓词 \phi...
来自于 Natural Number Game. An introduction to mathematical proof.In this game, we will build the basic theory of the natural numbers {0,1,2,3,4,...} from scratch. Our first goal is to prove that 2 …
This is the lean4 version of the classical Natural Number Game. It uses the Lean4 Game Engine and is running live at adam.math.hhu.de. The game was initially designed for lean3 and has been adapted for lean4. See lean3 version. Getting Started You can develop the game as any lean ...
Game images test .gitignore .gitpod.yml Dockerfile Game.lean LICENSE README.md TODO.txt lake-manifest.json lakefile.lean lean-toolchain todo_worlds vid_script.txt README Apache-2.0 license NNG4 This is the lean4 version of the classicalNatural Number Game. It uses theLean4 Game Engineand ...
One application: I am very much hoping that this year will be the year that I will be able to start doing high school level geometry interactively in Lean; I give talks in schools about the Natural Number Game but I would like to write some new material about how to interact with ...
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LeanBiome was a game-changer for me. Within the first month, I noticed a significant reduction in my appetite and felt more energetic throughout the day. The natural ingredients in LeanBiome made me feel safe and confident about what I was putting into my body. Over three months, I lost...
= m` * `is_limit_add (h1 : is_limit a l) (h2 : is_limit b m) : is_limit (a + b) (l + m)` * `is_limit_mul (h1 : is_limit a l) (h2 : is_limit b m) : is_limit (a * b) (l * m)` * `is_limit_le_of_le (hl : is_limit a l) (hm : is_limit b ...
With all of the potentially promising advantages thatbrainwave entrainment supplies, then a natural question arises. Why haven’t programs like Manifestation Magic made a more substantial social impact prior to now? You will receive a number of remarks as a response, but there is one incontrovert...
= m` * `is_limit_add (h1 : is_limit a l) (h2 : is_limit b m) : is_limit (a + b) (l + m)` * `is_limit_mul (h1 : is_limit a l) (h2 : is_limit b m) : is_limit (a * b) (l * m)` * `is_limit_le_of_le (hl : is_limit a l) (hm : is_limit b ...