Synonym Study Seethin. Discover More Example Sentences Hackman could take not necessarily the best dialogue and lean into it. FromSalon After a relatively lean run of scores in England colours, Buttler was back to something like his fluent best as he hit 54 off 33 balls on his Titans debut...
Synonyms for lean back in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for lean back. 1 synonym for lean back: recline. What are synonyms for lean back?
intransitive verbTo bend or slant away from the vertical. intransitive verbTo incline the weight of the body so as to be supported:synonym:slant. intransitive verbTo rely for assistance or support. intransitive verbTo have a tendency or preference. ...
Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Presheaf.Pushforward Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Presheaf.Sheafification Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Presheaf.Sheafify Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Presheaf Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Products Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Projective Mathlib....
Every time a function is invoked (“invoked” is a synonym for “applied to zero or more arguments”), a new environment is created. An environment is a (possibly empty) dictionary that maps variables to values by name. The x in the expression that we call a “variable” is itself an...
For example, we can declare to be a synonym of the type onto which we can safely copy the instance: Note that the definitional equality between and allows us to view elements of one synonym as the other. Other type synonyms used in Mathlib include , the multiplicative opposite where the...
If a Latina raises her voice she can quickly become “that (fill in the blank with your synonym of choice) Latina.” If an Asian American woman raises her voice she can quickly become “that dragon lady.” I get to pick the description because this is me. ...
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Module.Synonym import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Basic import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Canonical.Defs import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Defs import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.NatCast import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.OrderDual import Mathlib.Algebra.Ord...
Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Sheaf.PushforwardContinuous Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Sheaf.Quasicoherent Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Sheaf Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Simple Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Subobject Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Tannaka Mathlib.Algebra....
Synonym of [i]thin client[/i] + 添加翻译 英文-西班牙文字典 cliente ligero UN term 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ lean client "自动翻译成 西班牙文 cliente ligero Glosbe Translate cliente magro Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“lean client"翻译成 西班牙文 变形 干 匹配词 所...