Welcome to RPM-Academy, a global leader in Agile, Lean, Six Sigma and a wide range of personal and professional development certificates and certifications. Our low cost all access subscription membership is unique in the global learning marketplace.
We offer Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt Certifications. LEAN Certifications We offer Lean Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Certifications. Register Now All you have to do is select the certification, pay for it and pass the online test as per the conveni...
NWCPE offers onsite Lean Six Sigma training and coaching with the same world-class quality and experts to help your organization achieve excellence.
Lean Six Sigma Certification will teach you how to: Work effectively with, or as a member of, a process improvement team working in an environment supporting Lean Six Sigma. Analyse and refine processes to improve efficiency and remove waste using Lean. Reduce process variation and improve quality...
Award winning author instructor. Public, Onsite, Online Lean Six Sigma training and certification. Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt.
Certification not only demonstrates a mastery of Lean Six Sigma skills; it also opens up opportunities in your career. Organizations need effective, confident, and experienced problem solvers to implement sustainable improvements. An organization's ability to achieve Operational Excellence accelerates when...
Training, certification and buy ISO 13053 - Lean Six Sigma. Helping you improve processes, reduce waste and enhance customer satisfaction.
Our Lean Six Sigma MOOCs offer certification programs for the Yellow and the Green Belt —with more than 300k participants since 2015. In our Yellow Belt , the fundamentals of Lean and Six Sigma are taught and tested automatically online. In our Green Belt , the learner must implement a ...
Comprehensive coverage of IASSC® Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt certification Learn from seasoned industry experts and certified instructors who bring years of practical experience and expertise to the classroom Capstone projects from 6 domains, 3 Harvard Business School case studies, 17 ha...
After completing your training and certification for White Belt, your next step might be to advance to Yellow Belt training and certification. Let’s see what’s involved with that. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt training and certification As a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Yellow Belt (YB), you will ...