Eliminate Waste Anything in an operation that does not add value is waste. Method A and method B can both get a task done. If A can do it better, or faster, or in a cheaper way, then there exist wastes in method B. Everyone Has a Broad View of Organization Instead of focusing on ...
(2006). Impact of information technology integration and lean/ just-in-time practices on lead-time performance. Decision Sciences, 37 (2), 177-203.Ward, P & Honggeng, Z 2006, 'Impact of information technology integration and lean/just-in-time practices...
Just-in-time/Lean approaches the manufacturing process from the opposite end of the line. Rather than pushing materi- als into the processes and storing them whenever they cannot be accommodated, JIT/Lean controls the line from the output end. Indeed, it can be said that the customer controls...
Chapter6Chapter6 JustJust--inin--timeandleantimeandlean thinkingthinking Content Just-in-time Leanthinking Vendor-managedinventory(VMI) Quickresponse Just-in-time 1111 WhataretheimplicationsofJust-in-time forlogistics? 2222 Howcanjust-in-timeprinciplesbe appliedtootherformsofmaterial controlsuchasreorder...
Managers seeking to improve lead-time performance are challenged by how to balance resources and investments between process improvement achieved through lean/just-in-time (JIT) practices and information technology (IT) deployment. However, extant literature provides little guidance on this question. Moti...
Get Lean Management and Lean Manufacturing Just In Time Trained | Grab Just In Time Specialist Certification | Earn PDUs 热门课程 评分:4.6,满分 5 分4.6 (818 个评分) 2,524 个学生 创建者 Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE) ...
This chapter discusses very topical issues of just-in-time (JIT), materials requirement planning (MRP), and lean concepts in supply chains. Concepts of "pull-based" systems and "push-based" systems are explained. Conditions required for JIT (zero-inventory) system are explained. These are high...
关注QCD (Quality, Costand Delivery): 顾客满意一定涉及到三个方面:质量、成本、交付(周期)。但是哪一方面是顾客最最关注的要看具体的产品和服务。 Lean关乎于质量:用Poka Yoke(防错)及 Kaizen来帮助提供高质量的产品和服务。 Lean关乎于交付:应用JIT(Just in Time)以及Kanban系统以确保顾客按自己的时间需求获得...
leanproductionsystemsjusttimeprentice ©2006PrenticeHall,Inc.16–1OperationsManagementChapter16–Just-in-TimeandLeanProductionSystems©2006PrenticeHall,Inc.PowerPointpresentationtoaccompanyPowerPointpresentationtoaccompanyHeizer/RenderHeizer/RenderPrinciplesofOperationsManagement,6ePrinciplesofOperationsManagement,6eOperation...