它们可以继续发送,但需要做特殊标记,网络过载的时候将这些特殊标记的包丢弃。 注意:令牌桶算法不能与另外一种常见算法“漏桶算法(Leaky Bucket)”相混淆。这两种算法的主要区别在于“漏桶算法”能够强行限制数据的传输速率,而“令牌桶算法”在能够限制数据的平均传输速率外,还允许某种程度的突发传输。在“令牌桶算法”...
漏桶算法强制一个常量的输出速率而不管输入数据流的突发性,当输入空闲时,该算法不执行任何动作.就像用一个底部开了个洞的漏桶接水一样,水进入到漏桶里,桶里的水通过下面的孔以固定的速率流出,当水流入速度过大会直接溢出,可以看出漏桶算法能强行限制数据的传输速率.如下图所示: 令牌桶(Token bucket) 令牌桶...
基于漏桶(Leaky bucket)与令牌桶(Token bucket)算法的流量控制 Congestion Control Algorithm,这是TCP里的一个专业术语,拥塞控制算法。说的也是流量控制类似的事。 老规矩,直接上图。 先看看漏桶(Leaky bucket) 再看看令牌桶(Token bucket) Guava官方文档-RateLimiter类 漏桶(Leaky bucket)与令... ...
根据wiki上的介绍,Leaky Bucket实际上有两种不同的含义。 1)as a meter(作为计量工具) 2)as a queue(作为调度队列) 其中,第一种含义和Token Bucket是等价的,只是表述的角度不同。更有趣的是,第二种含义其实是第一种的特例。这些对比和区别在后面再谈,先整体看一下Leaky Bucket。 Leaky Bucket整体思想 Leaky...
漏桶作为计量工具(The Leaky Bucket Algorithm as a Meter)时,可以用于流量整形(Traffic Shaping)和流量控制(TrafficPolicing),漏桶算法的描述如下: 一个固定容量的漏桶,按照常量固定速率流出水滴; 如果桶是空的,则不需流出水滴; 可以以任意速率流入水滴到漏桶; ...
The functions of recording/replaying data in real time can be realized, and the leaky token bucket algorithm based self-adaptive data recording/replaying technology can be widely applied to recording and replaying radar detection data and data of relative equipment and the like in real time.孟凡...
Typical algorithms of traffic shaping include leaky bucket algorithm (LBA) and token bucket algorithm (TBA). The LBA can be regarded as a customer–server queuing model, i.e. the LBA controls a fixed output rate regardless of the rate at which the traffic is input, thus smoothing the ...
漏桶作为计量工具(The Leaky Bucket Algorithm as a Meter)时,可以用于流量整形(Traffic Shaping)和流量控制(TrafficPolicing),漏桶算法的描述如下: 一个固定容量的漏桶,按照常量固定速率流出水滴; 如果桶是空的,则不需流出水滴; 可以以任意速率流入水滴到漏桶; ...
Leaky bucket algorithm explained The token bucket algorithm and leaky bucket algorithm are two ways to shape network traffic and reduce congestion. The leaky bucket controls both the total amount of traffic and the rate at which it is sent to the network. It can detect both gradually increasing...
Theleaky bucketalgorithm is among the most pragmatic for traffic policing and shaping. Literature “Balde de Fichas” A técnica de “balde furado” (leaky bucket) é muito restritiva. TokenBucketTheleaky bucketis very restrictive. Literature ...