EPA Officials Meet in Okc to Discuss Proposed Rules for Leaking Underground Storage TanksRepresentativesfrom the EnvironmentalProtection Agency will be in Oklahoma City today to...By RobinsonRobin
The intent of the research project was initially to determine the effectiveness of groundwater remediation techniques utilized within EPA Region VI for the cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks (LUST). The paper concluded that effectiveness of groundwater remediation is primarily dependent on the...
LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT BUHJXlVG BB-9 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, NORTH CAROLINA D5@73 - us- Sl-6~~ DECEMBER 27,1994 VOLUME I Contract No. N62470-93-D-4020 Richard Catlin & Associates, Inc. Job No. 93129-F Prepared by: Richard Catlin & ...
2. Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Limited Site Assessment - Phase I (No Further Action) Building PT-37, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, September 24, 1999, Prepared by CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN). This report is on file at the NCDENR Wilmington ...
H. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: Remediation with Emphasis on in situ Bioreclamation. EPA/600/S2-87/008, 1987.Thomas JM, Lee MD, Bedient PB, Borden RC, Canter LW, Ward CH. Leaking underground storage tanks: remediation with emphasis on in situ biorestoration. EPA/600/S2-87/008, ...
What are the new EPA LUST regulations? (leaking underground storage tanks) (column)Borenkind, Sam
Delays, confusing forms snag EPA underground tank survey. (seeking tanks leaking petroleum products) (column)Murphy, Marvin
EPA proposes regulation to limit liability of lenders for leaking underground tanks.Kovski, Alan