This chapter discusses the history of the League of Nations. Art. 2 provided for the action of the League under the Covenant to be effected through the instrumentality of an Assembly and of a Council, with a permanent Secretariat. The Assembly was envisaged as a periodic conference of all ...
THE report on the work of the League of Nations during 1942–43, submitted by the Acting Secretary-General, in addition to an introductory section giving a useful survey of proposals for future world organization, contains chapters on economic, financial and transit questions, on questions of a ...
A REVISED edition of the “Aims, Methods and Activities of the League of Nations”, which first appeared in 1935, has now been published (Geneva: League of Nations; London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1938. 2s.). Like the first edition it consists of four parts, the first including ...
The article highlights the role of the Commission on Geological Exploration of the USSR (KOGI), formed in 1955 at the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The valuable experience gained during work on the large KOGI proj... A Grigelis,S Czarniecki - 《Geological Society of...
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire, by Susan PedersenThe League's mandates system epitomised internationalism sans self-determination. Under Article 22 of its Covenant, the League of Nations bequeathed to itself the power to oversee those territories seized from the ...
The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. a mass voluntary organization of working people in the USSR that existed from 1925 to 1947. The formation of the League of Militant Atheists was a manifestation of the antireligious ...
league 本意是指 “联盟,同盟” ,在国际社会有 the League of Nations “国际联盟”, 运动场上有the National Football League “国家足球联盟”, 联赛的冠军就是 “the league champion”。 league也可以用来泛指某一类人,俗话说物以类聚,人以群分,有些人你一看就知不是和你同类的,这时你就可以说: I am ...
The following article is from Conspiracies and Secret Societies. It is a summary of a conspiracy theory, not a statement of fact. No one will ever be able to accuse the League of the South of lacking self-definition or a definite goal. ...
The League of Nations The league of the South The Leahy Family The Leaky Cauldron The leaner The Leaning Tower of Pisa The Leaning Tower of Pisa the leap of faith The learned The Learner Will The Learner Will Be Able To The Learning Achievement Centre The Learning Assistance Review The Learni...
Main article: Shadow and FortuneWith the fall of Gangplank, Bilgewater descended into chaos as old rivalries were settled in blood and gang warfare threatened to tear the city apart. Miss Fortune, the leading figure of this uprising, systematically removed all of ...